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Le Toreador

More info on Le Toreador


Adolphe Adam


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Le Toreador Synopsis


Le Toreador Libretto


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About the opera Le Toreador

Le toréador, ou L'accord parfait (The Toreador, or The Perfect Agreement) is an opéra comique in two acts by the French composer Adolphe Adam with a libretto by Thomas-Marie-François Sauvage. It was first performed at the Opéra-Comique, Paris on May 18, 1849. It was a huge success and the work regularly appeared in the repertoire of the Opéra-Comique until 1869. Adam made use of several familiar pieces of music in the score. The most famous number is a series of variations on Ah! vous dirai-je, maman (better known as the melody of Twinkle, twinkle, little star in the English-speaking world). The opera also quotes the aria Tandis que tout sommeille from Grétry's L'amant jaloux and Je brûlerai d'une flamme éternelle from the same composer's Le tableau parlant as well as popular folk tunes, including the Spanish fandango, cachucha and follia. In spite of this, there is little attempt to give the score local colour. The opera was originally intended to be a single act but was split in two to allow the soprano time to recover her breath in a taxing role.
Place: The garden of Don Belflor's house in Barcelona
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Roles in Le Toreador

Don Belflor Bass
Coraline his wife Soprano
Tracolin Tenor

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Popular videos from Le Toreador

Beverly Sills Ah vous diraije maman 25027
Ah! vous dirai je maman
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All scenes from Le Toreador

Nr.Title scenePopularityOperaComposerActTypeVoicesLang.Roles
1Ah! vous dirai je maman Popularity:

Opera: Toreador, LeComposer: AdamAct:

Type: Voice: sopranoLanguage: French
