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Franco Alfano

More info on Franco Alfano

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About the composer Franco Alfano

Franco Alfano (8 March 1875 - 27 October 1954) was an Italian composer and pianist. Best known today for his opera Risurrezione (1904) and above all for having completed Puccini's opera Turandot in 1926. He had considerable success with several of his own works during his lifetime.
He was born in Posillipo, Naples. Until recent times, musical histories usually gave the year of Alfano's birth, incorrectly, as 1876. He attended piano privately under Alessandro Longo (1864-1946), and harmony and composition respectively under Camillo de Nardis (1857-1951) and Paolo Serrao (1830-1907) at the conservatory San Pietro a Majella in Naples. Later, after graduating, he pursued further composition studies with Hans Sitt (1850-1922) and Salomon Jadassohn (1831-1902) in Leipzig. While working there he met his idol, Edvard Grieg, and wrote numerous piano and orchestral pieces. He completed his first opera, Miranda, still unpublished, for which he also wrote the libretto after a novel by Antonio Fogazzaro, in 1896. His work La Fonte Di Enschir (libretto by Luigi Illica) was refused by Ricordi but was shown in Wroclaw (then Breslau) as Die Quelle von Enschir on 8 November 1898, enjoying some success.
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Operas by Franco Alfano

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Popular videos from Franco Alfano

Soprano ANNA DE CAVALIERI FAlfano SAKUNTALA O nuvolanuvola leggera  172295
O nuvola...nuvola leggera
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Alfano Cyrano de Bergerac Io getto con grazia il cappello Act One 182664
Io getto con grazia il cappello
(Cyrano de Bergerac)
William Johns

Scenes by Franco Alfano

Arias by Franco Alfano

5 Results
Page 1 of 1
Nr.Title scenePopularityOperaComposerActTypeVoicesLang.Roles
1O nuvola...nuvola leggera Popularity:

Opera: SakùntalaComposer: AlfanoAct:

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

2Dio pietoso Popularity:

Opera: RisurrezioneComposer: AlfanoAct:

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

3Io getto con grazia il cappello Popularity:

Opera: Cyrano de BergeracComposer: AlfanoAct:

Type: ariaVoice: tenorLanguage: Italian

4Giunge il treno...Dio pietoso Popularity:

Opera: RisurrezioneComposer: AlfanoAct:

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

5Piangi, sì, piangi Popularity:

Opera: RisurrezioneComposer: AlfanoAct:

Type: ariaVoice: tenorLanguage: Italian

5 Results
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