PERCY E me sì vile ci tiene Che viver voglia, io reo, quando ella more, Ella innocente! A lui ritorna, e digli Ch'io ricusai l'obbrobrioso dono.
HERVEY Che ascolto? a Rochefort Voi?
ROCHEFORT Pronto al supplizio io sono. si getta nelle braccia di Percy
PERCY Vivi tu, te ne scongiuro, Tu men tristo, e men dolente; Cerca un suolo in cui securo Abbia asilo un innocente; Cerca un lido in cui vietato Non ti sia per noi pregar. Ah! qualcuno il nostro fato Resti in terra a lagrimar.
ROCHEFORT Oh! Percy! dite men forte, Men costante non son io.
HERVEY Risolvete.
HERVEY Sian divisi.
PERCY e ROCHEFORT Amico! … addio.
English Libretto or Translation:
PERCY: And does he hold me to be so cowardly, so false, that I would want to live when she dies, she who is innocent! Return to him and tell him that I refuse such a deadly gift. Tell him that in this heart the flame is as sacred as my love is pure which is born of virtue, tell him that in my heart amidst my woes, honour speaks. Come, unhappy friend, this is the only comfort which remains to me, to embrace you and die. Alas, restrain your tears. Preserve yourself so that you can remember the dreadful fate of us both, and then let the knowledge console you that Percy, after the last innocent embrace of tender friendship thinking of her, of her…at least died, with her name on his lips and moreover, in his heart. Live, I entreat you, seek a land less sad less painful, in which an innocent man might have safe asylum; seek a shore in which it might not be forbidden to you to pray for us. Ah! let someone remain on earth to bewail our fate.
ROCHEFORT: Oh Percy! I am no less strong, No less constant than you.