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Com'e gentil

Opera details:

Opera title:

Don Pasquale


Gaetano Donizetti




Don Pasquale Synopsis


Don Pasquale Libretto


English Deutsch

Aria details:









Previous scene: Aspetta aspetta cara sposina
Next scene: Tornami a dir che m'ami

DON PASQUALE (highlights): Faith Esham, Donn Everette, & Carroll Freeman

Singer(s): Carroll Freeman Faith Esham

Excerpts from 1984 live broadcast of Donizetti's DON PASQUALE (in English!).
Norina: FAITH ESHAM, soprano
Dr. Malatesta: DONN EVERETTE-GRAHAM, baritone
Ernesto: CARROLL FREEMAN, tenor
Don Pasquale: ROGER HAVRANEK, baritone
Kentucky Opera, 1984
Conductor: Bryan Balkwill (1922-2007)

Fair as the Fairest Angel [Bella siccome un angelo] (Malatesta's aria)
...Glanced Upon Me [Quel guardo il cavaliere] 3:06... I Know How Much a Glance Can Do [So anch'io la virtù magica] 4:52 (Norina's aria)
I'll Make the Pot [Pronto io son] (Norina/Malatesta duet) 8:42
If Perchance Your Love Should Falter [E se fia] 15:54
end Act I 17:45
very end Malatesta/Pasquale duet 22:19
Com'e gentil 22:40 [Ernesto's Serenade]
Only to Know You Love Me [Tornami a dir che m'ami] (Norina/Ernesto duet) 24:15

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5 - Carroll Freeman

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7 - Fernando Corena


di dentro
Com'è gentil a notte
a mezzo aprii!
È azzurro il ciel,
la luna è senza vel:
tutt' è languor, pace,
mistero, amor!
Ben mio, perchè ancor non vieni a me?
Formano l'aure d'amore attenti,
del rio nel murmure sospiri senti,
ben mio, perché ancor non vieni a me?
Poi quando sarò morto,piangerai,
ma richiamarmi in vita non potrai.

English Libretto or Translation:

How nice it is at night
, half open!
Heaven is blue,
the moon is void:
all is languor, peace,
mystery, love!
My dear, why do not you come to me yet?
They form the loving auras of love,
of the river in the murmur sighs, listen,
my dear , why do not you come to me yet?
Then when I am dead, you will cry,
but you can not call me back to life.

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Sheetmusic in our database with this aria

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