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Qual vita e questa mai

Opera details:

Opera title:

Orfeo ed Euridice


Christof von Gluck




Orfeo ed Euridice Synopsis


Orfeo ed Euridice Libretto


English Deutsch

Scene details:


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Previous scene: Deh! placatevi con me
Next scene: Fortune ennemie

Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice - Vienna Version (1762) , Wq. 30; WOTG/LiebG I.A.30 / Act III / Scene...

Singer: Malin Hartelius

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice - Vienna Version (1762) , Wq. 30; WOTG/LiebG I.A.30 / Act III / Scene 1 - Recitativo: "Qual vita è questa mai" · Malin Hartelius · Insula Orchestra · Laurence Equilbey

Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice

â„— 2015 Deutsche Grammophon GmbH, Berlin

Released on: 2015-09-11

Producer, Recording Producer: Laure Casenave-Péré
Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer: Thomas Dappelo
Studio Personnel, Asst. Recording Engineer: Vincent Mons
Composer: Christoph Willibald Gluck
Author: Ranieri de' Calzabigi

Auto-generated by YouTube.

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Qual vita è questa mai,
Che a vivere incomincio! E qual arcano
M'asconde Orfeo?
Tratto m'avria dal recesso ferale
Per farsi reo del perfido abbandono?
Agli occhi miei
Si smentisce la luce. Oppresso in seno
Mi diventa affannoso
Il respirar. Tremo... vacillo... e sento
Fra l'angoscia e il terrore,
Quando all'ebbrezza, rediviva, aspiro
Da un palpito crudel vibrarmi il core.

English Libretto or Translation:


What is this life, never
What to live I start! And what arcane
Does Orfeo hide me?
Stretch comes from the feral recess
To be guilty of the wicked abandonment?
In my eyes
Light is denied. Oppressed in the bosom
It becomes labored
The respirar. I tremble ... shake ... and I hear
Between anguish and terror,
When he was drunk, he revived, I aspired
From a cruel throb I vibrate my heart.

Sheetmusic in our database with this aria

G. Schirmer Opera Anthology: Arias for Soprano Volume 2G. Schirmer Opera Anthology: Diction Coach Arias for Soprano Volume 2

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