"Que fais-tu, blanche tourterelle?" from Romeo et Juliette by Charles Gounod, performed by mezzo-soprano Veronica Chepigan in a vocal studio recital by the students of Barbara Dever at Rowan University. Veronica is a music composition major at the university.
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STÉPHANOIl fait mine de pincer de la guitare sur son épée.Que fais-tu, blanche tourterelle,Dans ce nid de vautours?Quelque jour, déployant ton aile,Tu suivras les amours!Aux vautours, il faut la bataille,Pour frapper d'estoc et de taille,Leurs becs sont aiguisés!Laisse là ces oiseaux de proie,Tourterelle qui fais ta joieDes amoureux baisers!Gardez bien la belle!Qui vivrà vedrà!Votre tourterelle!Vous échappera!
Un ramier, loin du vert bocage, Par l'amour attiré, À l'entour de ce nid sauvage A, je crois, soupiré! Les vautours sont à la curée, Leurs chansons qui fuit Cythère Résonnent à grand bruit! Cependant, en leur douce ivresse Nos amants content leur tendresse Aux astres de la nuit! Gardez bien la belle, etc.
English Libretto or Translation:
N ° 12 - Song
STEPHANOHe pretends to pinch guitar on his sword.What are you doing, white dove,In this nest of vultures?Some day, unfolding your wing,You will follow the loves!To the vultures, it takes the battle,To hit thrust and size,Their beaks are sharp!Leave these birds of prey,Turtledove that makes you happyKissing lovers!Keep the beautiful!Who will live!Your turtledove!You will escape!
A woodpecker, far from the green grove, Through attracted love, Around this wild nest A, I think, sighed! The vultures are at the parish, Their songs flees Kythera Resonate loudly! However, in their sweet drunkenness Our lovers content their tenderness To the stars of the night! Keep the beautiful, etc.
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