Tanto mi è grato. E tu, odi Ruggiero,
anima mia, mostra or la mia reggia,
e caccie, e fonti. Veggan dove scoprimmo
all'ombra amica d'un scambievole amor,
fiamma pudica.
Di', cor mio, quanto t'amai,
mostra il bosco, il fonte, it rio,
dove tacqui e sospirai,
pria di chiederti mercé.
Dove fisso ne' miei rai,
sospirando al sospir mio,
mi dicesti con un sguardo:
peno, ed ardo al par dite.
English Libretto or Translation:
So much for me. And you, hate Ruggiero,
my soul, show my palace,
and hunts, and sources. Veggan where we discovered
in the shade friend of a mutual love,
pudic flame.
Say, my dear, how much I love you,
shows the forest, the source, it,
where I fell silent and sighed,
before asking for it.
Where I set my rai,
sighing at my suspicion,
you told me with a look:
peno, and burn at the par.
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