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Aure deh per pieta

Opera details:

Opera title:

Giulio Cesare


Georg Handel




Giulio Cesare Synopsis


Giulio Cesare Libretto



Aria details:




Giulio Cesare


Contralto or Mezzo-Soprano or CounterTenor



Previous scene: Lascia questo sigillo
Next scene: Cerco invan Tolomeo

Janet Baker sings Giulio Cesare RARE LIVE (1979) Aure, deh, per pieta (in English)

Singer: Janet Baker

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Live 18/12/1979
Giulio Cesare: Janet Baker
ENO orchestra
Conductor: Charles Mackerras

This is the recit and da capo repeat of the aria "Aure, deh, per pieta" sung in English. Baker sings it in an incredible piano, sacrificing none of the sense of legato or Handelian style, and incorporating some beautiful trills and other interpolations into the deeply felt vocal line. Impressive also is how she moves so unbelievably smoothly between registers. The final phrase is one of those unexpected moments of inspiration that inspire wonder on every listen.

Watch videos with other singers performing Aure deh per pieta:


Aria Cesare

Aure, deh, per pietà
spirate al petto mio,
per dar conforto, oh dio!
al mio dolor.
Dite, dov'è, che fa
l'idol del mio sen,
l'amato e dolce ben
di questo cor.
Ma d'ogni intorno i' veggio
sparse d'arme e d'estinti
l'infortunate arene,
segno d'infausto annunzio al fin sarà.

English Libretto or Translation:

Aria Cesare

Auras, deh, out of pity
blow my chest,
to give comfort, oh god!
to my pain.
Say, where it is, what it does
the idol of my sen,
the beloved and sweet well
of this cor.
But every round I see them
scattered arms and extinct
the injured arenas,
sign of inauspicious announcement to the end.

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