Rodelinda, Regina dei Longobardi, ACT II, Scene 7: Recitativo: Non ti bastò, consorte (Rodelinda/Bertarido) · Sophie Daneman/Daniel Taylor/Adrian Thompson/Catherine Robbin/Robin Blaze/Christopher Purves/Raglan Baroque Players/Nicholas Kraemer
Handel - Rodelinda
℗ 1998 Erato/Warner Classics, Warner Music UK Ltd
Assistant Engineer: Gareth Bowsher Baritone Vocals: Christopher Purves Bass, Musicians: Judith Evans Bass- Baritone: Christopher Purves Bass- Baritone Vocals: Christopher Purves Bassoon, Musicians: Alistair Mitchell Bassoon, Musicians: Philip Turbett Boy Soprano: Catherine Robbin Boy Soprano: Sophie Daneman Cello, Musicians: Richard Tunnicliffe Cello, Musicians: Timothy Kraemer Cello, Musicians: Helen Gough Concert Master Conductor: Alison Bury Conductor: Nicholas Kraemer Director: Marco Canepa Ensemble: Raglan Baroque Players Executive Producer: Ron Gonsalves Flute, Musicians: Rachel Beckett Harpsichord, Musicians: Paul Nicholson Harpsichord, Musicians: Nicholas Kraemer Horn, Musicians: Andrew Clark Horn, Musicians: Susan Dent Keyboards: Maurice B. Cochrane Lead Vocals: Sophie Daneman Lead Vocals: Catherine Robbin Lead Vocals: Christopher Purves Lead Vocals: Raglan Baroque Players Lead Vocals: Nicholas Kraemer Librettist: Antonio Salvi Lute: Kasia Elsner Lute: Kasia Elsner Mezzo-soprano Vocals: Catherine Robbin Musicians, Violin: Rachel Isserlis Musicians, Violin: Clare Salaman Musicians, Violin: Sarah Bealby-Wright Musicians, Violin: Susan Carpenter-Jacobs Musicians, Violin: Ellen O'Dell Musicians, Violin: Marc Cooper Musicians, Violin: Fenella Barton Musicians, Viola: Annette Isserlis Musicians, Viola: Rosemary Nalden Musicians, Viola: Leon King Musicians, Recorder: Marion Scott Musicians, Oboe: Anthony Robson Musicians, Oboe, Recorder: Gail Hennessy Musicians: Kasia Elsner Orchestra: Raglan Baroque Players Producer: Stephen Johns Soprano Vocals: Sophie Daneman Tonmeister: Mike Clements Vocals: Dominic Kraemer Vocals: Adrian Thompson Vocals: Daniel Taylor Vocals: Robin Blaze Composer: George Frideric Handel
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Rodelinda Non ti bastò, Consorte, trafiggermi da lungi Con l'avviso crudel della tua morte; se per dar al mio sen pena maggiore non ti guidava amore a morir su'miei lumi?
Bertarido Ah! Sposa, e pure son tra mie sventure e or sì contento, che dal destin tradito mi giunge anche gradito il tradimento.
Rodelinda Ah sposo, ingrato sposo, e questo adesso il premio, e la mercede, della costanza mia, della mia fede?
Bertarido Hai combattuto, hai vinto; or vuole il cielo premiar col morir mio la tua virtù. Di due lacrima appena bagna, adorata sposa, il cener mio, dona quindi all`oblio la memoria di me, qu`io tel perdono; stendi poscia festante la destra amante, a chi ti rende il trono.
Rodelinda Io stringerlo consorte, potrei reo di tua morte e baciar quella mano tinta del sangue tuo? Se tal mi brami, Bertarido, non m`ami,
Bertarido Merito ogni rigor dal di lui sdegno che giusto il fa la gelosia del regno.
Rodelinda Il cielo e giusto, odia i tiranni, e sente -
Bertarido Ah, che se fosse giusto, a te dovea sposo dar più felice, e più possente.
Duetto di Rodelinda e Bertarido Io t'abbraccio E più che morte, aspro e forte, è pel cor mio questo addio, che il tuo sen dal mio divide. Ah mia vita, ah mio tesoro, se non moro, è più tiranno quell'affanno, che dà morte, e non uccide. Io t'abbraccio... etc.
English Libretto or Translation:
Grimoaldo Him to safe custody – for you, now hear me, be he your stallion, or your spouse, no matter. Take him once more and clasp him to your bosom, you’ve my consent to that, I shan`t dispute, if these embraces lawful be or no, but you shall take your farewell of them now, and never meet again. To Rodelinda If he’s your spark, my rival he, and if your spouse, my foe, to me no matter, which he be, he to the shades shall go. A sacrifice to that embrace, thy blood shall, sure, be spilt, if `twas not chaste, or if it was, still equal is the guilt.
Rodelinda Was `t not sufficient, oh my husband, was `t not to stab me thro` the heart with distant news, cruel advices of thy death abroad, in foreign lands, and in the midst of strangers; but love must guide you, to inflict a wound sharper and deeper in my panting bosom, to come here to me, and to fall a victim before my very eyes.
Bertarido Ah, my dear spouse, I place that down to fortune’s other hardships, but yet, methinks, it is a pleasure too, since `twas in fate that I must be betray ́d, that I was so agreeable betray`d, with you, and for your honours sake. With this embrace I bid adieu. ah, rather could I wish to die. But greater pangs I yet must bear, since heav`n that blessing will deny. With etc.