Scena VII Rodelinda, che tiene per mano Flavio, e detti in disparte.
Rodelinda Ombre, piante, urne funeste! voi sareste le delizie del mio sen. Se trovassi in voi raccolto, come il volto anche il cener del mio ben. Ombre, piante...(etc.)
Rodelinda Ombra del mio bel sol, che più d'intorno all'immagine sua forse t'aggiri della sposa e del figlio, mira il pianto fedel, odi i sospiri...
Bertarido (Più resister non so)
Unulfo (Frena l'amore!)
Rodelinda Raccogli i nostri baci. (bacia l'urna e la fa baciare al figlio)
Bertarido Deh, lascia!
Unulfo No, Signor, osserva, e taci.
English Libretto or Translation:
Scene VII Rodelinda, leading Flavio by the hand, and the aforesaid apart
Ye gloomy groves, and rev`rend shades, urns, that with terror seem to rise, ye give no terror, cause no fright, to Rodelindas inquiring sight. To me delightful you would prove, if, as his image I behold, your marble wombs did but infold the ashes of the lord I love. Ye gloomy etc. Oh shade invisible of him, that once charmed these fond eyes with greedy gazing at him and now, perhaps, round this resembling form, of what thou did`st inhabit, hov`ring fly`st, behold the tears, that trickle from these eyes, oh listen to the faithful sighs and groans, of an afflicted wife and wretched son.
Bertarido (I can no longer bear it)
Unulfo (Bridle your passion – curb affections, pray you)
Rodelinda Receive these kisses that we thus and thus – (Kisses the urn, and makes Flavio do the like.)
Bertarido I pray you let me - -
Unulfo It must not be, my lord, indeed, it must not. Keep silence, and observe.