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To thee thou glorious Son of Worth

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Georg Handel




Theodora Synopsis


Theodora Libretto


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Previous scene: Oh! that I on wings could rise
Next scene: As with rosy steps the morn

Lisette Oropesa, Paul-Antoine Bénos-Djian – Handel: Theodora: "To thee, thou glorious son of worth"

Singer(s): Maria Callas Diana Damrau Joyce DiDonato Lisette Oropesa

Soprano Lisette Oropesa and countertenor Paul-Antoine Bénos-Djian sing "To thee, thou glorious son of worth", from Handel's Theodora, with Maxim Emelyanychev and Il Pomo d'Oro. Discover the album:
First performed in 1750, Theodora tells the story of Christian martyrs in ancient Antioch under Roman occupation. Theodora was Handel’s penultimate major work, and he considered it among his best. Soprano Lisette Oropesa takes the role of the noble Theodora, while mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato portrays her friend Irene, a leading light of Antioch’s community of Christians; Didymus, a Roman soldier who loves Theodora, is sung by countertenor Paul-Antoine Bénos-Djian, and his friend Septimius by tenor Michael Spyres, while baritone John Chest holds sway as the authoritarian Roman governor Valens.

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