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Gli Zingari

More info on Gli Zingari


Ruggero Leoncavallo


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About the opera Gli Zingari

The Romani people are also known by a variety of other names, in English as Roma and Gypsies, in Greek as γύφτοι. In Central and Eastern Europe as Tsigani (and variants), in France as gitans besides the dated bohémiens and manouches.
Self-designation also varies: In Central and Eastern Europe, Roma is common. The Romani of England call themselves (in Angloromani) Romanichal, those of Scandinavia (in Scandinavian romanidialect) Romanisà¦l. In German-speaking Europe, the self-designation is Sinti, in France Manush, while the groups of Spain, Wales and Finland use Kalo/Kale (from kalo meaning "black"). There are numerous subgroups and clans with their own self-designations, such as the Kalderash, Machvaya, Boyash, Lovari, Modyar, Xoraxai, Lăutari, etc.
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Roles in Gli Zingari

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Popular videos from Gli Zingari

Jose Carreras Leoncavallo I zingari Principe Radu io son Dammi un amore 173987
Dammi un amore
José Carreras

All scenes from Gli Zingari

Nr.Title scenePopularityOperaComposerActTypeVoicesLang.Roles
1Dammi un amore Popularity:

Opera: Gli ZingariComposer: LeoncavalloAct:

Type: Voice: tenorLanguage: Italian
