LESCAUT Assez! assez! Ô Rosalinde, il me faudrait gravir le Pinde, pour te chanter comme il convient! Que sont les sultanes de l'Inde, et les Armide et les Clorinde, près de toi, que sont-elles? Rien, rien du tout, rien du tout! Ô ma Rosalinde, etc. Choisir! choisir! non, ma foi! À quoi bon l'économie, etc. Approchez! Ô belles! approchez! J'offre un bijou pour deux baisers!
English Libretto or Translation:
LESCAUT That's enough, enough! Oh Rosalinde, I would have to scale the Pindus mountains, to be able to sing to you as you deserve. What are the sultanas of India, and the Armidas and Clorindas, compared with you, what are they? Nothing, nothing at all, nothing at all. Oh my Rosalinde, etc. Choose something! No, on my word. What good is it being economical, etc. Come closer, lovely ladies, come closer! I offer a jewel for two kisses.