MANON Obéissons quand leur voix appelle, aux tendres amours, toujours, toujours, toujours, tant que vous êtes belle, usez sans les compter vos jours, tous vos jours! Profitons bien de la jeunesse, des jours qu'amène le printemps; aimons, rions, chantons sans cesse, nous n'avons encor que vingt ans!
BRÉTIGNY et JEUNES GENS Profitons bien de la jeunesse!
MANON Profitons bien de la jeunesse, aimons, rions, chantons sans cesse, nous n'avons encor que vingt ans! Ah! Ah!
JEUNES GENS Profitons bien de la jeunesse! Rions! Ah! Ah!
MANON Le cœur, hélas! le plus fidèle, oublie en un jour l'amour, l'amour, et la jeunesse ouvrant son aile a disparu sans retour, sans retour. Profitons bien de la jeunesse, bien courte, helas ! est le printemps! Aimons, chantons, rions sans cesse, nous n'aurons pas toujours vingt ans!
JEUNES GENS Profitons bien de la jeunesse!
MANON Profitons bien de la jeunesse! Aimons, chantons, rions sans cesse, profitons bien de nos vingt ans! Ah! Ah!
JEUNES GENS Profitons bien de la jeunesse! Rions! Ah! Ah!
English Libretto or Translation:
MANON Obey when their voices are calling, beckoning us to tender loves, always, always, always; as long as you are beautiful, use up your days without counting them, all of your days! Let's take advantage of youth, days that spring provides; let's love, laugh, and sing without stopping, while we're still only twenty!
BRÉTIGNY and YOUNG NOBLEMEN Let's take full advantage of our youth!
MANON Let's take full advantage of our youth, let's love, laugh, and sing without stopping while we're still only twenty! Ha! Ha!
YOUNG MEN Let's take full advantage of our youth! Let's laugh! Ha! Ha!
MANON Even the most faithful heart, alas, forgets love in a day, love, and youth, spreading its wings to fly away, disappears, never to return, never to return. Let's take full advantage of our youth, the springtime season, alas, is very short! Let's love, sing, and laugh without stopping, we won't be twenty forever!
YOUNG MEN Let's take full advantage of our youth!
MANON Let's take full advantage of our youth! Let's love, sing, and laugh without stopping. Let's take advantage of being twenty! Ha! Ha!
YOUNG MEN Let's take full advantage of our youth! Let's laugh! Ha! Ha!
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