DONNA ANNA Allora rinforzo i stridi miei, chiamo soccorso; fugge il fellon; arditamente il seguo fin nella strada per fermarlo, e sono assalitrice ed assalita: il padre v'accorre, vuol conoscerlo e l'indegno che del povero vecchio era più forte, compiè il misfatto suo col dargli morte!
DONNA ANNA Or sai chi l'onore Rapire a me volse, Chi fu il traditore Che il padre mi tolse. Vendetta ti chiedo, La chiede il tuo cor. Rammenta la piaga Del misero seno, Rimira di sangue Coperto il terreno. Se l'ira in te langue D'un giusto furor.
English Libretto or Translation:
DONNA ANNA Aloud then I clamour'd for assistance, Call'd on the household, he sought to fly, But boldly I pursued him into the street, That we might trace him, (Becoming of my assailant assailer,) 'Twas there that my father straight-way challeng'd him, And the villain, by whose strength he was easily overpower'd, Stay'd not his guilty madness, gave him the deathblow.
The wretch now thou knowest, Who sought my betraying, And vengeance thou owest My father's, my father's foul slaying. For justice I sue thee; I ask of thy troth, I ask of thy troth. Remember when wounded, His lifeblood was flowing, Unsolaced, unshriven, He heard not, he heard not my crying, My heart will be riven, If thou break thy oath.