Mozart: Don Giovanni, K.527 / Act 1 - "Non ti fidar, o misera" · Karita Mattila · Sharon Sweet · Francisco Araiza · Sir Thomas Allen · Academy of St Martin in the Fields · Sir Neville Marriner
Mozart: Don Giovanni
â„— 1991 Universal International Music B.V.
Released on: 1991-10-07
Producer, Recording Producer: Erik Smith Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer: Erdo Groot Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Author: Lorenzo Da Ponte
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DONNA ELVIRA a Don Giovanni Ah, ti ritrovo ancor, perfido mostro!
DONNA ELVIRA a Donn'Anna Non ti fidar, o misera, Di quel ribaldo cor; Me già tradì quel barbaro, te vuol tradir ancor.
DONNA ANNA e DON OTTAVIO (Cieli, che aspetto nobile, Che dolce maestà! II suo pallor, le lagrime M'empiono di pietà.)
DON GIOVANNI a parte; Donna Elvira ascolta La povera ragazza È pazza, amici miei; Lasciatemi con lei, Forse si calmerà.
DONNA ELVIRA Ah non credete al perfido!
DON GIOVANNI È pazza, non badate.
DONNA ELVIRA Restate ancor, restate!
DONNA ANNA e DON OTTAVIO A chi si crederà?
DONNA ANNA, DON OTTAVIO, DON GIOVANNI Certo moto d'ignoto tormento Dentro l'alma girare mi sento Che mi dice, per quell'infelice, Cento cose che intender non sa.
DONNA ELVIRA Sdegno, rabbia, dispetto, spavento Dentro l'alma girare mi sento, Che mi dice, di quel traditore, Cento cose che intender non sa.
DON OTTAVIO a Donn'Anna Io di qua non vado via Se non so com'è l'affar.
DONNA ANNA a Ottavio Non ha l'aria di pazzia II suo tratto, il suo parlar.
DON GIOVANNI (Se m'en vado, si potrìa Qualche cosa sospettar.)
DONNA ELVIRA a Donn'Anna e Ottavio Da quel ceffo si dovrìa La ner'alma guidicar.
DON OTTAVIO a Don Giovanni Dunque quella?...
DON GIOVANNI È pazzarella.
DONNA ANNA Dunque quegli?...
DONNA ELVIRA È un traditore.
DONNA ANNA e DON OTTAVIO Incomincio a dubitar. Passano dei contadini
DON GIOVANNI Zitto, zitto, che la gente Si raduna a noi d'intorno; Siate un poco più prudente, Vi farete criticar.
DONNA ELVIRA forte, a Don Giovanni Non sperarlo, o scellerato, Ho perduta la prudenza; Le tue colpe ed il mio stato Voglio a tutti palesar.
DONNO ANNA e DON OTTAVIO a parte, guardando Don Giovanni Quegli accenti sì sommessi, Quel cangiarsi di colore, Son indizi troppo espressi Che mi fan determinar.
English Libretto or Translation:
DONNA ELVIRA entering Ah, do we meet again? Monster perfidious!
DONNA ELVIRA Oh, ere thou trust in him, beware, His heart is cold as stone, Know that his vows are writ in air, I their deceit have known.
DONNA ANNA and DON OCTAVIO Heaven! A noble lady this! She sorely seems distraught! Her warning voice, her mien of woe, By bitter grief were taught!
DON GIOVANNI Poor girl, she's quite demented, I sorely do lament it! The fit may be prevented If she's by me besought.
DONNA ELVIRA The traitor, oh, believe him not! I pray you, friends, stay near me!
DON GIOVANNI Poor thing, she's quite demented!
DONNA ANNA and DON OCTAVIO Can I believe in aught? Sure some cause there must be for this raving... None can tell, none can tell what befell thee, None can tell what this grief on thee brought.
DONNA ELVIRA I'll pursue thee, for vengeance craving. Who will tell thee, Who'll tell what befell me! Who this grief, who this grief on me brought.
DON OCTAVIO aside Is she injur'd or deceiving, Ere we part from here, I'd know!
DONNA ANNA aside Great her sorrow, past relieving, But no madness doth she shew.
DON GIOVANNI While they scan me, unbelieving, From their presence I'll not go.
DONNA ELVIRA Friends, his wiles are past conceiving, Falsehood he will ne'er forego.
DON OCTAVIO to Don Giovanni Is this madness?
DON GIOVANNI To my great sorrow!
DONNA ANNA to Donna Elvira I'd befriend thee...
DONNA ELVIRA Oh, heed my prayer! Vile betrayer!
DON GIOVANNI Quite demented!
DONNA ELVIRA Vile betrayer!
DONNA ANNA and DON OCTAVIO Soon, me thinks the truth we'll know.
DON GIOVANNI to Donna Elvira Hush, be still, Thy silly raving will a rabble gather round us, Thy unwomanly behaving Makes me quite of thee ashamed.
DONNA ELVIRA to Don Giovanni Villain, darest thou to blame me? Through the world I will pursue thee, As a traitor I'll proclaim thee, For by thee I am defam'd!
DONNA ANNA and DON OCTAVIO aside, observing Don Giovanni Is he threat'ning? Is he pleading? Why those loud and angry whispers? These are signs not hard in reading, That her griefs by him were fram'd!
DON GIOVANNI Hush, be silent! Thou'lt a rabble gather round us! Hush, and stay thy silly raving, Thy behaving makes me quite of thee ashamed!