Don Giovanni, K.527, Act II, Scena seconda: Sola, sola in buio loco · William Shimell/Samuel Ramey/Cheryl Studer/Carol Vaness/Frank Lopardo/Susanne Mentzer/Natale de Carolis/Jan-Hendrik Rootering/Konzertvereinigung der Wiener Staatsopernchor/Wiener Philharmoniker/Riccardo Muti
Mozart: The Da Ponte Operas
â„— 1991 Warner Classics, Warner Music UK Ltd
Assistant Production: Anne Armes Boy Soprano: Carol Vaness Lead Vocals: Carol Vaness Soprano Vocals: Carol Vaness Boy Soprano: Cheryl Studer Lead Vocals: Cheryl Studer Soprano Vocals: Cheryl Studer Producer: David Groves Tenor Vocals: Frank Lopardo Bass: Jan-Hendrik Rootering Lead Vocals: Jan-Hendrik Rootering Choir: Konzertvereinigung Wiener Staatsopernchor Choir, Chorus: Konzertvereinigung der Wiener Staatsopernchor Lead Vocals: Konzertvereinigung der Wiener Staatsopernchor Librettist: Lorenzo Da Ponte Tonmeister: Michael Sheady Bass- Baritone: Natale De Carolis Lead Vocals: Natale De Carolis Baritone Vocals: Natale De Carolis Bass-baritone Vocals: Natale De Carolis Chorus: Peter Burian Conductor: Riccardo Muti Lead Vocals: Riccardo Muti Fortepiano, Musicians: Robert Kettelson Bass: Samuel Ramey Lead Vocals: Samuel Ramey Bass: Samuel Ramey (Baß) Bass: Steve Hogarth Lead Vocals: Steve Hogarth Mezzo-soprano Vocals: Susanne Mentzer Boy Soprano: Suzanne Mentzer Lead Vocals: Suzanne Mentzer Mezzo-soprano Vocals: Suzanne Mentzer Orchestra: Wiener Philharmoniker Lead Vocals: Wiener Philharmoniker Bass, Bass- Baritone: William Shimell Lead Vocals: William Shimell Bass-baritone Vocals: William Shimell Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
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DONNA ELVIRA Sola, sola in buio loco Palpitar il cor mi sento, E m'assale un tal spavento, Che mi sembra di morir.
LEPORELLO andando a tentone (Più che cerco, men ritrovo questa porta sciagurata; Piano, piano, l'ho trovata! Ecco il tempo di fuggir.)
DON OTTAVIO Tergi il ciglio, o vita mia, E dà calma a tuo dolore! L'ombra omai del genitore Pena avrà de' tuoi martir.
DONNA ANNA Lascia almen alla mia pena Questo piccolo ristoro; Sol la morte, o mio tesoro, II mio pianto può finir.
DONNA ELVIRA senza esser vista Ah dov'è lo sposo mio?
LEPORELLO dalla porta senza esser visto (Se mi trova, son perduto!)
DONNA ELVIRA e LEPORELLO Una porta là vegg'io, Cheto, cheto, vo'partir!
ZERLINA e MASETTO Ferma, briccone, dove ten vai? Leporello s'asconde la faccia
DONNA ANNA e DON OTTAVIO Ecco il fellone... com'era qua?
QUARTETTO Ah, mora il perfido che m'ha tradito!
DONNA ELVIRA È mio marito! Pietà!
QUARTETTO È Donna Elvira? quella ch'io vedo? Appena il credo! No, no, Morrà!
LEPORELLO quasi piangendo Perdon, perdono, signori miei! Quello io non sono - sbaglia costei! Viver lasciatemi per carità!
QUINTETTO Dei! Leporello! Che inganno è questo! Stupido resto! Che mai sarà?
LEPORELLO (Mille torbidi pensieri Mi s'aggiran per la testa; Se mi salvo in tal tempesta, È un prodigio in verità.)
QUINTETTO (Mille torbidi pensieri Mi s'aggiran per la testa: Che giornata, o stelle, è questa! Che impensata novità!)
Donn'Anna parte
English Libretto or Translation:
DONNA ELVIRA All around so dark and lonely, O'er my heart a fear is stealing, Such a tremor, past all concealing, As if death itself were near.
LEPORELLO groping his way Deuce is in it, where's the doorway? These confounded walls on every side surround it! Softly, softly, I have found it... misses it again Stars be thanked, the coast is clear!
DON OCTAVIO Cease from grieving, oh, belov'd one, Think thy father sees from heaven, How sore for him thy heart is riven, Let a smile at last appear.
DONNA ANNA Ah, believe, I know thy kindness, But I cannot cease lamenting, Ev'ry effort, ev'ry effort, but augmenting Grief for him I hold so dear, I hold so dear.
DONNA ELVIRA unseen by the others Oh, my husband, I have lost thee!
LEPORELLO by the door, unseen by the others Not for words, I'd have her find me.
DONNA ELVIRA and LEPORELLO Sure the door must be behind me. Ha! The door, escape is near.
ZERLINA and MASETTO Wretch, now we hold thee, whither art going?
DONNA ANNA and DON OCTAVIO Nought now can save thee, why art thou here?
DONNA ANNA, DON OCTAVIO, ZERLINA and MASETTO Ah, thou perfidious one! Death here we swear thee!
DONNA ELVIRA Oh, heav'n forbear ye! He is my husband dear!
DONNA ANNA, DON OCTAVIO, ZERLINA and MASETTO 'Tis Donna Elvira! She for him pleading? Her wrongs all unheeding? No, no, no, he dics!
LEPORELLO as though in tears Good friends, oh, spare me! You are quite mistaken! Oh, how you scare me! But, oh for pity's sake ... for pity's sake... Oh, kill me not.
DONNA ANNA, DONNA ELVIRA, DON OCTAVIO, ZERLINA and MASETTO What! Leporello? My eyes deceive me! Who would believe me? This is some plot.
LEPORELLO Fear and doubting quite distract me, All my head is in confusion, Would indeed 'twere a delusion, And I safely from this spot.
DONNA ANNA, DONNA ELVIRA, ZERLINA, DON OCTAVIO and MASETTO Fear and doubting quite distract me, All my head is in confusion, 'Tis a vision, a vile delusion! Be this masking, be this masking ne'er forgot!