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Estinto e Idomeneo

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart




Idomeneo Synopsis


Idomeneo Libretto


English Deutsch

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Idomeneo KV 366, Act 1, Scene VI: Recitativo: Estinto è Idomeneo? (Elettra)

Singer(s): Lorraine Hunt Lieberson Barbara Frittoli

Provided to YouTube by Warner Classics

Idomeneo KV 366, Act 1, Scene VI: Recitativo: Estinto è Idomeneo? (Elettra) · Sir Charles Mackerras · Scottish Chamber Orchestra · Ian Bostridge · Lisa Milne

Mozart: Idomeneo

â„— 2002 Warner Classics, Warner Music UK Ltd

Concert Master Conductor: Alexander Janiczek
Tenor Vocals: Anthony Rolfe Johnson
Tonmeister: Arne Akselberg
Boy Soprano: Barbara Frittoli
Lead Vocals: Barbara Frittoli
Soprano Vocals: Barbara Frittoli
Performed by: C. Clarke
Assistant Engineer: Calum Malcolm
Choir Director: David Jones
Performed by: Dunedin Consort
Choir: Dunedin Consort (Felicity Hammond. Louise Innes, James Gilchrist, Matthew Brook) 1.Cd [8] & [20]
Choir: Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Librettist: Giambattista Varesco
Lead Vocals: Ian Bostridge
Tenor Vocals: Ian Bostridge
Harpsichord, Musicians: Ian Page
Producer: John Fraser
Performed by: John Relyea
Bass: John Relyea (Bass)
Editor: Julia Thomas
Performed by: Lisa Milne
Lead Vocals: Lisa Milne
Soprano Vocals: Lisa Milne
Soprano Vocals: Lorraine Hunt
Mezzo-soprano Vocals: Lorraine Hunt Lieberson
Tenor Vocals: Paul Charles Clarke
Tonmeister: Philip Hobbs
Orchestra: Scottish Chamber Orchestra
Lead Vocals: Scottish Chamber Orchestra
Conductor: Sir Charles Mackerras
Lead Vocals: Sir Charles Mackerras
Musicians, Violoncello: Ursula Smith
Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

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Elettra sola

Estinto è Idomeneo? …Tutto a' miei danni,
Tutto congiura il ciel. Può a suo talento
Idamante disporre
D'un impero, e dei cor, e a me non resta
Ombra di speme? A mio dispetto, ahi lassa!
Vedrò, vedrà la Grecia a suo gran scorno
Una schiava Troiana di quel soglio,
E del talamo a parte… In vano Elettra
Ami l'ingrato … e soffre
Una Figlia d'un re, ch'ha re vassalli,
Che una vil schiava aspiri al grande acquisto?…
Oh sdegno! oh smanie! oh duol!… più non resisto.

English Libretto or Translation:

Electra alone

Is Idomeneo dead? … Heaven conspires
to cross me in everything. Idamante can,
at his will, dispose of an empire
and of his heart; and shall no shadow of hope
remain for me? Unfortunate and unhappy that I am,
I shall see, and Greece will see, to its shame,
a Trojan slave share the throne
and the bridal bed … In vain, Electra,
you love this ingrate …
Shall the daughter of a king, who has kings as vassals
suffer a lowly slave to aspire to these great honours?
Shame! Fury! Grief! I can bear it no more!

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