Opera title: | Idomeneo |
Composer: | Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart |
Language: | Italian |
Synopsis: | Idomeneo Synopsis |
Libretto: | Idomeneo Libretto |
Translation(s): | English Deutsch |
Type: | recitative |
Role(s): | Ilia |
Voice(s): | Soprano |
Act: | 1.02 |
Previous scene: | Overture |
Next scene: | Padre germani addio |
A clip from a "Vienna highlights" 3SAT production.
Quando avran fine omai
L'aspre sventure mie? Ilia infelice!
Di tempesta crudel misero avanzo,
Del genitor, e de' germani priva
Del barbaro nemico
Misto col sangue il sangue
Vittime generose,
A qual sorte più rea
Ti riserbano i Numi?...
Pur vendicaste voi
Di Priamo, e di Troia i danni, e l'onte?
Perì la flotta Argiva, e Idomeneo
Pasto forse sarà d'orca vorace...
Ma che mi giova, oh ciel! se al primo aspetto
Di quel prode Idamante,
Che all'onde mi rapì, l'odio deposi,
E pria fu schiavo il cor, che m'accorgessi
D'essere prigioniera.
Ah qual contrasto, oh Dio! d'opposti affetti
Mi destate nel sen odio, ed amore!
Vendetta deggio a chi mi diè la vita,
Gratitudine a chi vita mi rende...
Oh Ilia! oh genitor! oh prence! oh sorte!
Oh vita sventurata! oh dolce morte!
Ma che? m'ama Idamante?... ah no; l'ingrato
Per Elettra sospira, e quell’ Elettra
Meschina principessa esule d'Argo,
D'Oreste alle sciagure a queste arene
Fuggitiva, raminga, è mia rivale.
Quanti mi siete intorno
Carnefici spietati?... orsù sbranate
Vendetta, gelosia, odio, ed amore,
Sbranate sì quest'infelice core!
When will my bitter misfortunes
be ended? Unhappy Ilia,
wretched survivor of a dreadful tempest,
bereft of father and brothers,
the victims' blood
spilt and mingled
with the blood of their savage foes,
for what harsher fate
have the gods preserved you? ...
Are the loss and shame
of Priam and Troy avenged?
The Greek fleet is destroyed, and Idomeneo
perhaps will be a meal for hungry fish ...
But what comfort is that to me, ye heavens,
if at the first sight of that valiant Idamante
who snatched me from the waves I forgot my hatred,
and my heart was enslaved before I realised
I was a prisoner.
O God, what a conflict of warring emotions
you rouse in my breast, hate and love!
I owe vengeance to him who gave me life,
gratitude to him who restored it …
O Ilia! o father, o prince, o destiny!
Ill‑fated life, o sweet death!
But yet does Idamante love me? …
Ah no; ungratefully
he sighs for Electra; and that Electra,
unhappy princess, an exile from Argos
and the torments of Orestes,
who fled, a wanderer, to these shores, is my rival.
Ruthless butchers,
how many of you surround me?… Then up and
shatter vengeance, jealousy, hate and love;
yes, shatter my unhappy heart!
Sheetmusic for recitative | ![]() |
Sheetmusic for opera | ![]() |
MP3's for this recitative | on Amazon.com |
DVD/CD's for this opera | on Amazon.com |