Che orror! che tradimento!
Che nera infedelta! Fingersi amico!
essermi sempre al fianco: ogni monmento
esiger dal mio core
qualche prova d'amore; e starmi intanto
preparando la morte! Ed io sospendo
ancor la pena? e la sentenza ancora non segno?-
Ah si, lo scellerato mora! senza udirlo
mando Sesto a morir? Si: gia l'intense
abbastanza il senato. E s'egli avesse
qualche arcano a svelarmi?
Ola! S'ascolti,
a poi vada al supplicio.
(alla guardia che entra)
A me si guidi Sesto.
(La guardia parte.)
E pur di chi regna
infedelice il destino! A noi si nega
cio che a' piu bassi e dato. In mezzo al bosco
quel villanel mendico, a cui circonda
ruvida lana il rozzo fianco, a cui
e mal fido riparo
dall'ingiurie del ciel tugurio informe,
placido i sonni dorme,
passa tranquillo i di. molto non brama:
sa chi l'odia, e chi l'ama: unito o solo
torna sicuro alla foresta, al monte;
e vede il core ciascheduno in fronte.
English Libretto or Translation:
O horror! What treachery!
What black disloyalty! To pretend friendship
and be always at my side; at every moment
exacting from me
some token of love, and meanwhile
plotting my death! And I still delay
the punishment and do not sign
the sentence?
He takes the pen to sign, then pauses.
Ah yes, let the miscreant die!
He shall die … but am I sending Sextus to his death
without hearing him? Yes; the Senate
has already heard enough. Yet suppose he had
some secret to reveal to me?
Ho there!
He puts down his pen; a guard enters
(Let him be heard, and then
he can go to execution.) Bring Sextus to me.
Exit guard
How unhappy is the fate
of those who reign! To us is denied
what is given to the lowliest. That needy peasant
in the depths of the woods, whose rough sides
are clad in coarse wool, whose shapeless hovel
is an unreliable shelter from the inclement elements,
sleeps peacefully,
passes his days in tranquillity. He asks little:
he knows who hates him, who loves him:
in company or alone
he goes safely to the forest and to the mountain,
and sees everyone's hearts mirrored in their faces.
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