Deh per questo istante solo
Ti ricorda il primo amor.
Che morir mi fa di duolo
Il tuo sdegno il tuo rigor.
Di peitade indegno e vero,
Sol spirar io deggio orror.
Pur sareti men severo,
Se vedessi questo cor.
Disperato vado a morte;
Ma il morir non mi tormenta
Che fui teco un traditor!
(Tanto affanno soffre un core,
Ne si more di dolor!)
English Libretto or Translation:
Ah, for this single moment
remember our former love,
for your anger, your severity,
make me die of grief.
Unworthy of pity, it is true,
I ought only to inspire horror.
Yet you would be less harsh
if you could read my heart.
In despair I go to death,
but dying does not affright me.
The thought that I was
a traitor to you tortures me!
(A heart can suffer such anguish
and yet not die of sorrow!)
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