Opera title: | La Clemenza di Tito |
Composer: | Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart |
Language: | Italian |
Synopsis: | La Clemenza di Tito Synopsis |
Libretto: | La Clemenza di Tito Libretto |
Translation(s): | English Deutsch |
Type: | recitative |
Role(s): | Servilia / Vitellia |
Voice(s): | Soprano / Soprano |
Act: | 1.18 |
Previous scene: | Ah! se fosse intorno al trono |
Next scene: | Parto parto ma tu ben mio |
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Mozart: La clemenza di Tito, K. 621 / Act I - "Felice me!" - "Ancora mi schernisce?" · Julia Varady · Sylvia McNair · Anne Sofie von Otter · English Baroque Soloists · John Eliot Gardiner
Mozart: La Clemenza di Tito
â„— 1991 Deutsche Grammophon GmbH, Berlin
Released on: 1991-01-01
Producer, Executive Producer: Dr. Andreas Holschneider
Producer, Executive Producer: Charlotte Kriesch
Producer, Recording Producer: Karl-August Naegler
Studio Personnel, Balance Engineer: Ulrich Vette
Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer: Jobst Eberhardt
Studio Personnel, Editor: Rainer Maillard
Studio Personnel, Editor: Oliver Rogalla Von Heyden
Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Author: Caterino MazzolÃ
Author, Original Text Author: Pietro Metastasio
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Felice me!
Posso alla mia sovrana
offrir del mio rispetto i primi omaggi?
posso adorar quel volto,
per cui d'amor ferito,
ha perdutto il riposo il cor di Tito?
Non esser meca irata;
forse la regia destra e a te serbata.
Ancora mi schernisce?
Questo soffrir degg'io
vergrognoso disprezzo? Ah, con qual fasto
qui mi lascia costei! barbaro Tito,
il parea dunque poco
Berenice antepormi? Io dunque sono
l'ultima de'viventi. Ah, trema ingrato,
trema d'avermi oddesa. Oggi il tuo sangue...
Mia vita.
Ebben, che rechi? il Campidoglio
e acceso? e incenerito?
Lentulo dove sta? Tito e punito?
Nulla intrapresi ancor.
Nulla! e si franco
mi torni innanzi? E con qual merto ardisc
di chiamarmi tua vita?
Sa una ragion potesse
almen giutificarmi?
Una ragione!
mille n'avrai,
eccoti aperta
una strada all'impero.
Renderti fortunato
puo la mia mano? Corri,
mi vendica, e son tua.
Basta, basta non piu, gia m'inspirasti,
Vitellia, il tuo furor. Arder vedrai
fra poco il Campidoglio, e quest'acciaro
nel sen di Tito...
Eh, non ti credo;
m'ingannerai di nuovo. In mezzo all'opra,
No; mi punisca amore,
se penso ad ingannarti.
Dunque corri; che fai?
Perche non parti?
How happy I am!
May I offer my sovereign
the first tokens of my respect?
May I adore that face for which
Titus's heart, wounded by love,
has lost its rest?
Do not be angry with me;
perhaps the imperial hand is destined for you.
Does she still mock me?
Must I still suffer
shameful scorn? Ah, how ostentatiously
she leaves me here. Cruel Titus,
was it not enough to choose Berenice before me? I am
then the last of the living. Ah, ingrate, tremble,
tremble at having offended me! Today your blood ...
Beloved …
Well, what news do you bring?
Is the Capitol on fire? Is it in ashes?
Where is Lentulus? Is Titus punished?
Nothing has yet been undertaken.
Nothing! And you return so coolly before me?
It was your command
to defer the blow.
And did you not hear
the new affronts to me?
Do you need further spurs?
Know then that I loved Titus,
that he prevents you
from winning my heart; that if he remains alive
I may relent; that I could perhaps love him again
(I do not trust myself).
Now go: if you are unmoved
by desire for glory, ambition, love,
if you can tolerate a rival
who stole my affections, now opposes them
and could steal them from you,
I will say you are the most despicable of men.
You assail me from every side!
Enough, enough, no more: your fury,
Vitellia, has already inspired me.
You soon shall see the Capitol aflame
and this dagger in Titus's breast ...
And what are you thinking now?
Then hurry: what are you doing? Why do you not go?
Sheetmusic for recitative | ![]() |
Sheetmusic for opera | ![]() |
MP3's for this recitative | on Amazon.com |
DVD/CD's for this opera | on Amazon.com |