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Tiger wetze nur die Klauen

Opera details:

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart




Zaide Synopsis


Zaide Libretto


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Previous scene: Trostlos schluchzet Philomele
Next scene: Ihr Mächtigen seht ungerührt

Rita Hunter - Mozart: ZAIDE, Tiger! wetze nur die Klauen, BBC 1970

Singer(s): Rita Hunter Eva Turner

THE SONGBIRD: Rita Hunter (1933 - 2001) was born in England and studied singing in Liverpool and London (with Eva Turner among others). Her joined Sadlers Wells in 1957 singing in the chorus for two years, while also appearing with the Scottish Opera as Frasquita and Berta. She toured with the Carl Rosa Opera Company and then rejoined Sadlers Wells in principal roles including Senta, Musetta, Odabella, Donna Anna, Amelia, Santuzza, and Verdi's Leonora. Hunter's fame rose when she sang Brünnhilde in Wagner's Ring cycle in English at the English National Opera (over three seasons 1970 - 1973); she repeated the role for her debut at The Met in 1975. She sang Norma in San Francisco and a mix of dramatic roles of Verdi and Wagner in other cities and festivals.

THE MUSIC: "Zaide" is an unfinished opera by Mozart, composed in 1780, but abandoned when a commission for "Idomeneo" came in from Munich. "Zaide" is a singspiel on a Turkish theme, very similar to his "Abduction from the Seraglio" composed in 1782. The music for "Zaide" was discovered by Mozart's wife Constanze several years after his death, among his many music manuscripts. Though incomplete, there is still plenty of music, including three arias for the title character, a soprano. Her third aria "Tiger! wetze nur die Klauen" is an angry outcry against the villain of the story, Zaram, after he orders her and her lover to be put to death. It uses the metaphor of a tiger sharpening his claws. The source of this performance is a BBC broadcast from 1970 conducted by Charles Mackerras.

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Tiger! wetze nur die Klauen,
freu' dich der erschlichnen Beut'.
Straf' ein törichtes Vertrauen
auf verstellte Zärtlichkeit .
Komm' nur schnell und töt' uns beide,
saug' der Unschuld warmes Blut.
Tiger! reiss' das Herz vom Eingeweide
und ersätt'ge deine Wut.
Ach mein Gomatz! mit uns Armen
hat das Schicksal kein Erbarmen.
Nur der Tod
endigt unsre herbe Not.
Tiger! wetze nur die Klauen, etc.

English Libretto or Translation:

Not entered yet.

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Mozart Opera Arias: Soprano

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