Quando m’en vo soletta per la via,
La gente sosta e mira
E la bellezza mia tutta ricerca in me
Da capo a pie'...
Ed assaporo allor la bramosia
Sottil, che da gli occhi traspira
E dai palesi vezzi intender sa
Alle occulte beltà.
Così l'effluvio del desìo tutta m'aggira,
Felice mi fa!
E tu che sai, che memori e ti struggi
Da me tanto rifuggi?
So ben le angoscie tue non le vuoi dir,
Ma ti senti morir!
English Libretto or Translation:
When I go all by myself through the street,
People stop and look,
and everyone looks at my beauty
from head to foot.
And therefore I savor the subtle desire
which emanates from their eyes,
and from the obvious charms is understood
the hidden beauty.
Like this the flood of desire surround me,
it makes me happy!
And you who know, so that memory is tearing you up
Why do you fly from me so much again?
I know very well that you don’t want to speak about your agony,
But you feel yourself dying!
Translation by: Marc Verzatt