Opera title: | Madame Butterfly |
Composer: | Giacomo Antonio Puccini |
Language: | Italian |
Synopsis: | Madame Butterfly Synopsis |
Libretto: | Madame Butterfly Libretto |
Translation(s): | English Deutsch |
Type: | aria |
Role(s): | Cio-Cio San |
Voice(s): | Soprano |
Act: | 2.13 |
Previous scene: | Scuoti quella fronda di ciliegio |
Next scene: | Intermezzo 2 |
Renata Tebaldi as Madama Butterfly and Fiorenza Cossotto as Suzuki in the well-known duet "Scuoti quella fronda di ciliegio... Or vieni ad adornar" (Flower Duet) from Puccini's Madama Butterfly. Conductor Tullio Serafin, Recorded in Rome, 1958.
a Suzuki
Or vienmi ad adornar.
No! pria portami il bimbo.
Suzuki va nella stanza a sinistra e porta il bambino che fa sedere vicino a Butterfly, mentre questa si guarda in un piccolo specchio a mano e dice tristamente:
non son più quella!
Troppi sospiri la bocca mandò,
e l'occhio riguardò
nel lontan troppo fiso.
a Suzuki
Dammi sul viso un tocco di carmino
prende un pennello e mette del rosso sulle guanciee del suo bimbo
ed anche a te, piccino,
perché la veglia non ti faccia
vôte per pallore le gote.
to Suzuki
Or come to adornar.
No! first bring me the baby.
Suzuki goes into the room on the left and brings the child to sit next to Butterfly, while she looks at herself in a small hand mirror and says sadly:
no longer that!
Too many sighs the mouth sent,
and the eye looked
into the far too loose.
to Suzuki
Give me a touch of carmino on the face
takes a brush and puts some red on the cheeks of his baby
and also to you, little one,
because the waking does not make you
go over the cheeks with a pallor.
Sheetmusic for aria | ![]() |
Sheetmusic for opera | ![]() |
MP3's for this aria | on Amazon.com |
DVD/CD's for this opera | on Amazon.com |