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Song of India

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Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov




Sadko Synopsis


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Previous scene: Canzone dell'ospite vichingo
Next scene: WeddingChoir

Rimsky-Korsakov - Sadko - Song of the Indian Guest

Singer: Sergei Lemeshev

Sergei Lemeshev - Tenor
Сергей Лемешев - Тенор

Не счесть алмазов в каменных пещерах,
Не счесть жемчужин в море полудённом...
Далёкой Индии чудес.

Есть на тёплом море чудный камень яхонт,
На том камне Феникс - птица с ликом девы.
Райские всё песни сладко распевает,
Перья распускает, море закрывает.
Кто ту птицу слышит, всё позабывает.

Не счесть алмазов в каменных пещерах,
Не счесть жемчужин в море полудённом...
Далёкой Индии чудес.

Do not count the diamonds in caves of stone
Do not count the pearls in the southern sea
Of distant India so full of wonders.

There is a wondrous stone, a ruby set in the warm sea;
And on that stone there is a Phoenix, a bird with the face of a maiden
Who keeps singly songs of paradise so sweetly,
Scattering her feathers and covering the sea.
Whoever hears this bird will forget everything.

Do not count the diamonds in caves of stone
Do not count the pearls in the southern sea
Of distant India so full of wonders.

Watch videos with other singers performing Song of India:


I söderns hav, i klippans dolda gömma
där vilar pärlan trolskt du såg i drömmen,
på Indiens strand
i undrens land.

Djupt i böljors vimmel
speglars röd dess himmel
över hav som tiger,
fågel Fenix stiger
höra sånger tona,
längta att försona
på de vita vingar,
högt mot rymden tvingar
lyss till ljuva sången,
snart är dagen gången.

I söderns hav, i klippans dolda gömma
där vilar pärlan trolskt du såg i drömmen
på Indiens strand
i undrens land

English Libretto or Translation:

And still the snowy Himalayas rise
In ancient majesty before our eyes,
Beyond the plains, above the pines,
While through the ever, never changing land
As silently as any native band
That moves at night, the Ganges Shines

Then I hear the song that only India can sing,
Softer than the plumage on a black raven's wing;
High upon a minaret I stand
Upon an old enchanted land,
There's the Maharajah's caravan,
Unfolding like a painted fan,
How small the little race of Man!

See them all parade across the ages,
Armies, Kings and slave from hist'ry's pages,
Played on one of nature's vastest stages.
The turbaned Sikhs and fakirs line the streets,
While holy men in shadowed calm retreats
Pray through the night and watch the stars,
A lonely plane flies off to meet the dawn,
While down below the busy life goes on,
And women crowd the old bazaars;

All are in the song that only India can sing,
Softer than the plumage on a black raven's wing;
Tune the ageless moon and stars were strung by,
Timeless song that only could be sung by
India, the jewel of the East.

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