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More info on Armida


Giaochino Rossini


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Armida Synopsis


Armida Libretto


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About the opera Armida

Armida is an opera in three acts by Gioachino Rossini to an Italian libretto (dramma per musica) by Giovanni Schmidt, based on scenes from Gerusalemme liberata by Torquato Tasso.
Armida was first performed at the Teatro di San Carlo, Naples, on 11 November 1817. Isabella Colbran sang the title role, which is one of the longest and most demanding that Rossini wrote, with difficult coloratura passages of every kind during the entire opera. The most notable are to be found in "D'amore al dolce impero" during Act 2, in the duets between Armida and Rinaldo, and in parts of the Act 3 finale.
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Roles in Armida

Armida Soprano
Rinaldo Tenor
Gernando Tenor
Ubaldo Tenor
Carlo Tenor
Goffredo Tenor
Eustazio Tenor
Idraote Bass

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Popular videos from Armida

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Amor..possente nome!
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DOVE SON IO Finale di ARMIDA di Rossini Jessica Pratt Garsington Opera 2010 159072
Dove son io
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All scenes from Armida

Arias from Armida

Nr.Title scenePopularityOperaComposerActTypeVoicesLang.Roles
1D'amore al dolce impero Popularity:

Opera: ArmidaComposer: RossiniAct: 2

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

2Vacilla a quelgli accenti Popularity:

Opera: ArmidaComposer: RossiniAct:

Type: Voice: Language: Italian

3Murmering breezes cool the air Popularity:

Opera: ArmidaComposer: RossiniAct:

Type: Voice: tenorLanguage: Italian

4Dove son io Popularity:

Opera: ArmidaComposer: RossiniAct:

Type: Voice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

5Amor..possente nome! Popularity:

Opera: ArmidaComposer: RossiniAct:

Type: Voice: Language: Italian
