8New York LightsA View from the BridgeBolcomariaTenor
9Gold can kill youMcTeagueBolcomariaTenor
10Del destinoFlorencia en el AmazonasCatánariaTenor
11Giovanni's AriaLa hija de RappacciniCatánariaTenor
12Aria of the WormThe Ghosts of VersaillesCoriglianoariaTenor
13Shoot the shotX: The Life and Times of Malcolm XDavisariaTenor
14The moonlight diedAmistadDavisariaTenor
15Everyone was here but the one who mattersThe Great GatsbyHarbisonariaTenor
16Had no choice, had to invent myselfThe Great GatsbyHarbisonariaTenor
17Now art thou dearWuthering HeightsHerrmannariaTenor
18Be not afeardThe TempestHoibyariaTenor
19Who will go to the war when it comesThe Good Soldier SchweikKurkaariaTenor
20I never felt so good beforeThe Good Soldier SchweikKurkaariaTenor
21Believe in loveJohn BrownMechemariaTenor
22No more, false heartTartuffeMechemariaTenor
23Ah, do not laughGoyaMenottiariaTenor
24Oh, yes, I love herGoyaMenottiariaTenor
25Out of my dreamsGoyaMenottiariaTenor
26Immoral? Can sleep be immoral?The HeroMenottiariaTenor
27In ancient times there was a godThe Wings of the DoveMooreariaTenor
28I'm not a boyA Streetcar Named DesirePrevinariaTenor
29Light of my soulThe Song of MajnunShengariaTenor
30Ladies in Their SensitivitiesSweeney ToddSondheimariaTenor
31The ContestSweeney ToddSondheimariaTenor
32And where is the one who will mourn meDown in the ValleyWeillariaTenor