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Dorothee Mields

Singer details:

Voice: Soprano
Nationality: German
Year of Birth: 1971

About Dorothee Mields:

Dorothee Mields (born 15 April 1971) is a German soprano concert singer of Baroque and contemporary music.

Mields was born in Gelsenkirchen. She studied at the University of the Arts Bremen with Elke Holzmann, Harry van der Kamp and Gabriele Schreckenbach. After graduation she continued studying in Stuttgart with Julia Hamari.

With the Collegium Vocale Gent and Philippe Herreweghe she recorded several Bach cantatas, his Magnificat in E-flat major, BWV 243a, Easter Oratorio and Ascension Oratorio. In 2001 she recorded Joseph Schuster's opera Demofoonte on a libretto of Metastasio with La Ciaccona, conducted by Ludger Rémy.

In 2002 she recorded several cantatas for Pentecost of Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel, a prolific contemporary of Bach, conducted by Ludger Rémy. The soloists, including Jan Kobow, also formed the choir. In January 2003 she sang Monteverdi’s Vespro della Beata Vergine on a tour of with the Collegium Vocale Gent. In 2006 she performed in Bach's St John Passion with the Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra in Canada. She sang the soprano part in the recording of Bach's Mass in B minor with Jos van Veldhoven. She recorded songs of John Dowland with the gambist Hille Perl in 2008, and Love Songs of Henry Purcell with the Lautten Compagney Berlin. She was soprano soloist for two concerts of the Bachchor Mainz reviving church cantatas of Wilhelm Friedemann Bach in June 2010, remembering the composers birth in 1710. In 2016 she performed an evening of English Mad Songs, by Purcell and his contemporaries, with the Lautten Compagney at Eberbach Abbey as part of the Rheingau Musik Festival.

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More Arias, Duets and Ensembles performed by Dorothee Mields

8 Results
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Nr.Title scenePopularityOperaComposerActTypeVoicesLang.Roles
1Come all come all to me Popularity:

Opera: Timon of AtheneComposer: PurcellAct: 1.06

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: English

2Dance for Chinese Man and Woman Popularity:

Opera: Fairy-Queen, TheComposer: PurcellAct: 5.13

Type: ballet/instrumentalVoice: Language: English

3If love's a sweet passion Popularity:

Opera: Fairy-Queen, TheComposer: PurcellAct: 3.01

Type: aria/chorusVoice: Language: English

4Love in their little veins Popularity:

Opera: Timon of AtheneComposer: PurcellAct: 1.03

Type: ariaVoice: mezzoLanguage: English

5Hark how the songsters Popularity:

Opera: Timon of AtheneComposer: PurcellAct: 1.02

Type: duetVoice: Mz SLanguage: English

6The cares of lovers Popularity:

Opera: Timon of AtheneComposer: PurcellAct: 1.09

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: English

7Sento un certo non so che Popularity:

Opera: Incoronazione di Poppea, L'Composer: MonteverdiAct: 2.04

Type: duetVoice: S SLanguage: Italian

Roles: Valletto/Damigella
8Augelletti che cantate Popularity:

Opera: RinaldoComposer: HandelAct: 1

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

Roles: Almirena
8 Results
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