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Eva-Maria Bundschuh

Singer details:

Voice: Soprano
Nationality: German
Year of Birth:
Year of Death:

About Eva-Maria Bundschuh:

Eva-Maria Bundschuh (born 16 October 1941) is a German operatic soprano who began her career as a contralto. She received international when she collaborated with Harry Kupfer at the Komische Oper Berlin.

Born in Braunschweig a carpenter's daughter, Bundschuh grew up with three siblings near Chemnitz, then Karl-Marx-Stadt. House concerts, school choir and especially the church choir made her want to become a singer. Because she was not granted her wish, she secretly took singing lessons with Emmy Senff-Thieß in her home town in addition to her training as a textile master.

She qualified for the Arbeiter-Musiktheater Aue, where she was admitted in the role of Dorabella in Mozart's Così fan tutte. Without the prescribed professional training one could usually not pass the Bühnenreifeprüfung , nevertheless she was allowed to prove her suitability before a commission of leading directors and theatre directors of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) in the Berlin artists club Die Möwe. Thereupon she had the choice between three provincial stages. In 1967 she made her debut at the Carl-Maria-von-Weber-Theater in Bernburg (Saale) as Hänsel in Humperdinck's Hänsel und Gretel.

In 1969 she moved to the opera house in Karl-Marx-Stadt. In 1986 she reported on this phase of her life to the daily Der Morgen: "I was the Third Lady, the 7th woman and the waitress carrying a tray across the stage and singing a sentence. Everything was important to me, even from the smallest tasks I tried to do something. But for a five-minute performance for a whole evening this big heart flutter - should that be all?"

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3Fliegt heim ihr Raben Popularity:

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4Du bist der Lenz Popularity:

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