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Herva Nelli

Singer details:

Voice: Soprano
Nationality: American
Year of Birth: 1909
Year of Death: 1994

About Herva Nelli:

Herva Nelli (January 9, 1909 – May 31, 1994) was an Italian-born operatic soprano.

Named after the French socialist Gustave Hervé, she was born in Florence, where she attended a convent school. At the age of ten, however, she and her family left Italy for the United States, settling in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where she later studied at the Pittsburgh Music Institute.

In 1937, the soprano made her operatic debut with Brooklyn's Salmaggi Opera, as Santuzza in Mascagni's Cavalleria rusticana. In ensuing seasons, she gained experience with that ensemble, presenting roles that would form the core of her repertoire, including Leonora in Verdi's La forza del destino (with Sydney Rayner as Don Alvaro, 1943) and another Leonora in Verdi's Il trovatore. She also sang the title roles of Bellini's Norma, Verdi's Aida (with Bernardo de Muro at the end of his career, 1944), and Ponchielli's La Gioconda. In 1947, she made her New York City Opera debut, as Santuzza, conducted by Julius Rudel.

Also in 1947, Nelli successfully auditioned for the conductor Arturo Toscanini (following the recommendation of Licia Albanese), and sang the part of Desdemona in the NBC Symphony Orchestra's concert version of Verdi's Otello, opposite Ramón Vinay. This led to the famous series of broadcasts of other Verdi works, which were later issued on records by RCA Victor: Aida (1949, which was televised as well), Mrs Alice Ford in Falstaff (with Giuseppe Valdengo, 1950), the Requiem (with Fedora Barbieri, Giuseppe Di Stefano, and Cesare Siepi, 1951), and Amelia in Un ballo in maschera (with Jan Peerce and Robert Merrill, 1954), which were Toscanini's final operatic performances. When Toscanini died three years later, he left his protégée his baton in his will.

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More Arias, Duets and Ensembles performed by Herva Nelli

64 Results
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Nr.Title scenePopularityOperaComposerActTypeVoicesLang.Roles
1Ave Maria piena di grazia Popularity:

Opera: OtelloComposer: VerdiAct: 4.04

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

Roles: Desdemona
2Mia madre aveva una povera ancella (Willow Song) Popularity:

Opera: OtelloComposer: VerdiAct: 4.02

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

Roles: Desdemona
3Gia nella notte densa Popularity:

Opera: OtelloComposer: VerdiAct: 1.09-1

Type: duetVoice: T SLanguage: Italian

Roles: Otello/Desdemona
4Teco io sto Popularity:

Opera: Ballo in maschera, UnComposer: VerdiAct: 2.04

Type: duetVoice: S TLanguage: Italian

Roles: Amelia/Riccardo
5Ciel! mio Padre! Popularity:

Opera: AidaComposer: VerdiAct: 3.05

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

Roles: Aida
6Piangea cantando Popularity:

Opera: OtelloComposer: VerdiAct: 4.03-1

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

Roles: Desdemona
7Dio ti giocondi o sposo Popularity:

Opera: OtelloComposer: VerdiAct: 3.03

Type: duetVoice: T SLanguage: Italian

Roles: Otello/Desdemona
8Salvator della patria Popularity:

Opera: AidaComposer: VerdiAct: 2.10

Type: recitativeVoice: Mz BLanguage: Italian

Roles: Amneris/King of Egypt
9Pur ti riveggo mia dolce Aida Popularity:

Opera: AidaComposer: VerdiAct: 3.09

Type: recitativeVoice: T SLanguage: Italian

Roles: Radames/Aida
10Ma dall'arido stelo divulsa Popularity:

Opera: Ballo in maschera, UnComposer: VerdiAct: 2.03

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

Roles: Amelia
11Fuggiam gli ardori inospiti Popularity:

Opera: AidaComposer: VerdiAct: 3.11-1

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

Roles: Aida
12Vieni sul crin ti piovano Popularity:

Opera: AidaComposer: VerdiAct: 2.03-1

Type: recitativeVoice: mezzoLanguage: Italian

Roles: Amneris
13Stella del marinar Popularity:

Opera: Gioconda, LaComposer: PonchielliAct: 2.09

Type: ariaVoice: mezzoLanguage: Italian

Roles: Laura
14Qui Radames verra Popularity:

Opera: AidaComposer: VerdiAct: 3.03-1

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

Roles: Aida
15Ma tu Re tu signore possente Popularity:

Opera: AidaComposer: VerdiAct: 2.14

Type: trioVoice: Br T SLanguage: Italian

Roles: Amonasro/Radames/Aida
16Aida tu non m'ami Popularity:

Opera: AidaComposer: VerdiAct: 3.12

Type: recitativeVoice: S TLanguage: Italian

Roles: Aida/Radames
17Era piu calmo Popularity:

Opera: OtelloComposer: VerdiAct: 4.01

Type: recitativeVoice: Mz SLanguage: Italian

Roles: Emilia/Desdemona
18O qual soave brivido Popularity:

Opera: Ballo in maschera, UnComposer: VerdiAct: 2.06

Type: duetVoice: S TLanguage: Italian

Roles: Amelia/Riccardo
19Je viens celebrer la victoire Popularity:

Opera: Samson et DalilaComposer: Saint-SaënsAct: 1

Type: trioVoice: T Mz BrLanguage: French

Roles: Samson/Dalila/High Priest
20Che veggo..egli..mio padre Popularity:

Opera: AidaComposer: VerdiAct: 2.12

Type: recitativeVoice: S Br MzLanguage: Italian

Roles: Aida/Amonasro/Amneris
21E tu ricevi il mio Popularity:

Opera: Ballo in maschera, UnComposer: VerdiAct: 3.18

Type: quartet,choirVoice: Br T S SLanguage: Italian

Roles: Renato/Riccardo/Amelia/Oscar
22Vedi di morte l'angelo Popularity:

Opera: AidaComposer: VerdiAct: 4.14

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

Roles: Aida
23A terra si nel livido fango Popularity:

Opera: OtelloComposer: VerdiAct: 3.16

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

Roles: Desdemona
24Non sai tu che se l'anima mia Popularity:

Opera: Ballo in maschera, UnComposer: VerdiAct: 2.05

Type: duetVoice: S TLanguage: Italian

Roles: Amelia/Riccardo
25Pieta pieta pieta Popularity:

Opera: AidaComposer: VerdiAct: 3.07-3

Type: recitativeVoice: Br SLanguage: Italian

Roles: Amonasro/Aida
26L'amo come il fulgor del creato Popularity:

Opera: Gioconda, LaComposer: PonchielliAct: 2.12

Type: duetVoice: S MzLanguage: Italian

Roles: Gioconda/Laura
27Ah! perche qui fuggite Popularity:

Opera: Ballo in maschera, UnComposer: VerdiAct: 3.17-2

Type: trioVoice: S T BrLanguage: Italian

Roles: Amelia/Riccardo/Renato
28Quale insolita gioia nel tuo sguardo Popularity:

Opera: AidaComposer: VerdiAct: 1.04

Type: recitativeVoice: Mz TLanguage: Italian

Roles: Amneris/Radames
29D'un uom che geme Popularity:

Opera: OtelloComposer: VerdiAct: 2.08-2

Type: recitativeVoice: S TLanguage: Italian

Roles: Desdemona/Otello
30Gaie comari di Windsor Popularity:

Opera: FalstaffComposer: VerdiAct: 2.08

Type: quartet,recitativeVoice: S cA Mz SLanguage: Italian

Roles: Alice/Quickly/Meg/Nannetta
64 Results
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