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Hina Spani

Singer details:

Voice: Soprano
Nationality: Argentine
Year of Birth: Not entered yet.
Year of Death: 1969

About Hina Spani:

Hina Spani (15 February 1896 – 11 July 1969) was an Argentine soprano. Her real name was Higinia Tuñón and she enjoyed a major opera career centred on Italy during the 1920s and 1930s.

Spani was born in Puán, Province of Buenos Aires, an old town located in the pampas of Argentina. When it was discovered that she had a clear, pleasing voice, a landowner from the vicinity of her home town agreed to help her to meet the costs of studying voice, first in Buenos Aires with Amalia Campodonico and later in Milan with Vittorio Moratti.

She made her operatic début at La Scala, Milan, in 1915, in the secondary rôle of Anna in Alfredo Catalani's La Wally. She sang regularly at La Scala—Italy's most important theatre—and in all the leading Italian theaters until 1934. She also toured Australia with a first-rate troupe composed of some of La Scala's leading singers.

At the Teatro Colón she was heard between 1915 and 1940, creating the title part in the world première of Respighi's Maria Egiziaca in 1934, as well as several operas by Argentine composers. She sang over 70 rôles ranging from Ottavia in Monteverdi's 17th century opera L'incoronazione di Poppea to works by then living composers.

After retiring from the operatic stage, she taught at the Vocal Art Institut of the Teatro Colón, which she directed.

Spani died in Buenos Aires on 11 July 1969.

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