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Ileana Cotrubas

Singer details:

Voice: Soprano
Nationality: Romanian
Year of Birth: 1939

About Ileana Cotrubas:

Ileana Cotrubaș (Romanian pronunciation:  (listen); born June 9, 1939) is a Romanian opera soprano whose career spanned from the 1960s to the 1980s. She was much admired for her acting skills and facility for singing opera in many different languages.

Cotrubaș was born in Galați. She grew up in a musical family; her father, Vasile, was a tenor in an amateur choir. Cotrubaș' musical career began at the age of nine when she became a member of a children's radio choir. By the age of eleven, she was one of its leading soloists.

In 1952, she moved to Bucharest to study at the Școala Specială de Muzică school for the musically gifted. Cotrubaș made her stage debut with the Bucharest Opera as Yniold in Debussy's Pelléas et Mélisande in 1964. She subsequently expanded her repertory to include roles such as Oscar in Un ballo in maschera, Gilda in Rigoletto, and Blondchen in The Abduction from the Seraglio and began appearing in productions throughout Europe.

In 1965, Cotrubaș won an important competition in 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands where she won first prize in opera, lieder, and oratorio. The following year, she won a radio-television competition in Munich. Those awards, together with her great success in the role of Pamina at Brussels, led to appearances in the Vienna State Opera, Hamburg State Opera, Berlin State Opera and Salzburg Festival, and to a contract with the Frankfurt Opera.

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More Arias, Duets and Ensembles performed by Ileana Cotrubas

228 Results
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Nr.Title scenePopularityOperaComposerActTypeVoicesLang.Roles
121Soll ich dich Teurer nicht mehr sehn? Popularity:

Opera: Zauberflöte, DieComposer: MozartAct: 2.21

Type: trioVoice: B T SLanguage: German

Roles: Sarastro/Tamino/Pamina
122Si mora si si mora Popularity:

Opera: Cosi Fan TutteComposer: MozartAct: 1.36

Type: quintet,finaleVoice: B T Br S MzLanguage: Italian

Roles: Alfonso/Ferrando/Guglielmo/Fiordiligi/Dorabella
123Non sapete quale affetto Popularity:

Opera: Traviata, LaComposer: VerdiAct: 2.05-1

Type: duetVoice: S BrLanguage: Italian

Roles: Violetta/Giorgio
124In faccia all oggetto Popularity:

Opera: Mitridate, Re di PontoComposer: MozartAct: 1.19

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

Roles: Ismene
125Voi tutti che m'udite Popularity:

Opera: Favorita, LaComposer: DonizettiAct: 2.10

Type: recitativeVoice: B Mz BrLanguage: Italian

Roles: Balthazar/Léonor/Alphonse
126Tutto ancor non ho perso Popularity:

Opera: Nozze di Figaro, LeComposer: MozartAct: 1.09

Type: recitativeVoice: S SLanguage: Italian

Roles: Marcellina/Susanna
127Dunque voi non aprite Popularity:

Opera: Nozze di Figaro, LeComposer: MozartAct: 2.10

Type: recitativeVoice: Br SLanguage: Italian

Roles: Count/Rosina
128Quante buffonerie! Popularity:

Opera: Nozze di Figaro, LeComposer: MozartAct: 2.07

Type: recitativeVoice: S S Mz BrLanguage: Italian

Roles: Rosina/Susanna/Cherubino/Count
129Bei raggi lucenti Popularity:

Opera: Favorita, LaComposer: DonizettiAct: 1.06

Type: aria,choirVoice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

Roles: Inès
130Oh! qual pallor Popularity:

Opera: Traviata, LaComposer: VerdiAct: 1.05-1

Type: recitativeVoice: S TLanguage: Italian

Roles: Violetta/Alfredo
131Signori di fuori son gia Popularity:

Opera: Nozze di Figaro, LeComposer: MozartAct: 2.15

Type: quartetVoice: B-Br Br S SLanguage: Italian

Roles: Figaro/Count/Rosina/Susanna
132Je dis que rien m'epouvante Popularity:

Opera: CarmenComposer: BizetAct: 3.05

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: French

Roles: Micaëla
133D'un uom che geme Popularity:

Opera: OtelloComposer: VerdiAct: 2.08-2

Type: recitativeVoice: S TLanguage: Italian

Roles: Desdemona/Otello
134O lumière sainte Popularity:

Opera: Pêcheurs de perles, Les (The Pearl Fishers)Composer: BizetAct: 3.07

Type: trioVoice: Br S TLanguage: French

Roles: Zurga/Leïla/Nadir
135La mano a me date Popularity:

Opera: Cosi Fan TutteComposer: MozartAct: 2.07

Type: quartetVoice: B S T BrLanguage: Italian

Roles: Alfonso/Despina/Ferrando/Guglielmo
136Ah! Violetta voi signor Popularity:

Opera: Traviata, LaComposer: VerdiAct: 3.10

Type: trioVoice: T S BrLanguage: Italian

Roles: Alfredo/Violetta/Giorgio
137Entends au loin Popularity:

Opera: Pêcheurs de perles, Les (The Pearl Fishers)Composer: BizetAct: 3.04

Type: Voice: B S BrLanguage: French

Roles: Nourabad/Leïla/Zurga
138Tamino wollen wir nicht speisen Popularity:

Opera: Zauberflöte, DieComposer: MozartAct: 2.16

Type: recitativeVoice: Br SLanguage: German

Roles: Papageno/Pamina
139Leila leila Dieu puissant Popularity:

Opera: Pêcheurs de perles, Les (The Pearl Fishers)Composer: BizetAct: 2.04-1

Type: duetVoice: S TLanguage: French

Roles: Leïla/Nadir
140Seule au milieu de nous Popularity:

Opera: Pêcheurs de perles, Les (The Pearl Fishers)Composer: BizetAct: 1.09

Type: Voice: Br SLanguage: French

Roles: Zurga/Leïla
141T'amo t'amo ripetilo Popularity:

Opera: RigolettoComposer: VerdiAct: 2.06-1

Type: Voice: T SLanguage: Italian

Roles: Duke/Gilda
142Che m'ami deh ripetimi Popularity:

Opera: RigolettoComposer: VerdiAct: 2.07

Type: recitativeVoice: T SLanguage: Italian

Roles: Duke/Gilda
143Signor sargente Popularity:

Opera: Elisir d'amore, L'Composer: DonizettiAct: 1.18

Type: recitativeVoice: S Br TLanguage: Italian

Roles: Giannetta/Belcore/Nemorino
144Oh! che bella giornata Popularity:

Opera: Cosi Fan TutteComposer: MozartAct: 2.08

Type: recitativeVoice: S T Mz BrLanguage: Italian

Roles: Fiordiligi/Ferrando/Dorabella/Guglielmo
145Una tenera occhiatina Popularity:

Opera: Elisir d'amore, L'Composer: DonizettiAct: 2.11

Type: duetVoice: S BLanguage: Italian

Roles: Adina/Dulcamara
146E allor perche di Popularity:

Opera: PagliacciComposer: LeoncavalloAct: 1.14

Type: recitativeVoice: Br SLanguage: Italian

Roles: Silvio/Nedda
147Ecco la marcia andiamo Popularity:

Opera: Nozze di Figaro, LeComposer: MozartAct: 3.18

Type: recitativeVoice: S Br SLanguage: Italian

Roles: Susanna/Count/Rosina
148Che imbarazzo e mai questo Popularity:

Opera: Nozze di Figaro, LeComposer: MozartAct: 3.01

Type: recitativeVoice: Br S SLanguage: Italian

Roles: Count/Rosina/Susanna
149E l'ami sempre Popularity:

Opera: RigolettoComposer: VerdiAct: 4.01

Type: quartetVoice: Br S T cALanguage: Italian

Roles: Rigoletto/Gilda/Duke/Maddalena
150Nel padiglione a manca Popularity:

Opera: Nozze di Figaro, LeComposer: MozartAct: 4.04

Type: quartet,recitativeVoice: S B-Br T BLanguage: Italian

Roles: Barbarina/Figaro/Basilio/Bartolo
228 Results
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