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Irina Iordachescu

Singer details:

Voice: Soprano
Nationality: Romanian
Year of Birth: 1977

About Irina Iordachescu:

Irina Iordachescu is a Romanian soprano opera singer.

Soprano Irina Iordachescu was born in Bucharest, into a family of musicians.Her father is Dan Iordachescu, a professional singer (baritone). Her sister, Cristina, was a mezzo-soprano.

Her repertoire is in the period extending from baroque to verismo. She has specialized in the works of Mozart and in the Bel Canto manner, particularly in works by Vincenzo Bellini and Giuseppe Verdi.

She has appeared at Milan's Teatro Alla Scala and toured with them in 2001, Las Palmas Teatro, Ravenna's Teatro Dante Alighieri, Piacenzas' Teatro Communale, Dante Alighieri Theatre, Moscow's P.I. Ceaikovski Concert Hall, Great Concert Hall of the Saint Petersburg Philharmonic, Catania, Italy at the Orchestra dell' E.A.R Teatro Massimo, George Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir, at the Romanian Atheneum, Kefalonia, Greece, Belgium's at Theater Capitole (Ghent), Stradella Opera Teather (Italy), Romanian National Radio Concert Hall, Vaasa (Finland) City Orchestra Concert Hall, Coventry Cathedral in London, Thessaloniki Great Concert Hall – Thessaloniki - Greece, Alicante, Spain, Timișoara,, Romanian National Opera, Bucharest, Municipal Theatre, Piacenza, Concert Hall at the Bucharest University,

Teatro Massimo “ Vicenzo Bellini “ / Catania - Italia Glyndebourne Opera Festival - UK Sankt Margarethen Opernfestspiele - Austria “ Isaac Stern ‘’Carnegie Hall“Teatro “ Perez Galdos “ / Las Palmas – Spain

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More Arias, Duets and Ensembles performed by Irina Iordachescu

10 Results
Page 1 of 1
Nr.Title scenePopularityOperaComposerActTypeVoicesLang.Roles
1Tu che di gel sei cinta Popularity:

Opera: TurandotComposer: PucciniAct: 3.07

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

Roles: Liù
2Soave sia il vento Popularity:

Opera: Cosi Fan TutteComposer: MozartAct: 1.19

Type: trioVoice: B S MzLanguage: Italian

Roles: Alfonso/Fiordiligi/Dorabella
3Si vendetta Popularity:

Opera: RigolettoComposer: VerdiAct: 3.07-2

Type: duetVoice: S BrLanguage: Italian

Roles: Gilda/Rigoletto
4Pace pace mio Dio Popularity:

Opera: Forza del destino, LaComposer: VerdiAct: 4.05

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

Roles: Leonora
5Nel cor piu non mi sento Popularity:

Opera: Molinara laComposer: PaiselloAct:

Type: Voice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

6Muzica Popularity:

Opera: Valurile DunariiComposer: GrigoriuAct:

Type: Voice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

7Madamigella Valery Popularity:

Opera: Traviata, LaComposer: VerdiAct: 2.03-2

Type: duetVoice: Br SLanguage: Italian

Roles: Giorgio/Violetta
8Di geloso amor sprezzato Popularity:

Opera: Trovatore, IlComposer: VerdiAct: 1.15

Type: trioVoice: S Br TLanguage: Italian

Roles: Leonora/Count/Manrico
9Depuis le jour Popularity:

Opera: LouiseComposer: CharpentierAct: 3.02

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: French

Roles: Louise
10Belle nuit (Barcarolle) Popularity:

Opera: Contes d'Hoffmann, LesComposer: OffenbachAct: 2

Type: duetVoice: S MzLanguage: French

Roles: Giulietta/Nicklausse
10 Results
Page 1 of 1