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Janine Micheau

Singer details:

Voice: Soprano
Nationality: French
Year of Birth: 1914
Year of Death: 1976

About Janine Micheau:

Janine Micheau (17 April 1914 – 18 October 1976) was a French operatic soprano, one of the leading sopranos of her era in France, particularly associated with lyric soprano and coloratura soprano repertory.

Janine (or Jeanine) Micheau was born in Toulouse, and studied voice at the Paris Conservatoire. She made her professional debut at the Opéra-Comique on 16 November 1933, as la Plieuse in Louise, following this with Loys in Juif polonais by Camille Erlanger, the neighbour in Angélique by Jacques Ibert and small roles in Lakmé (Miss Rose) and Mireille (Andreloun).

She later sang Cherubino in Le nozze di Figaro, Olympia in Les contes d'Hoffmann, Rosina in Il barbiere di Siviglia, Leila in Les pêcheurs de perles, Micaela in Carmen, and the title role in Lakmé at the Salle Favart. By 1935 her performances gained her invitations to Marseille (Lakmé), and then (at the instigation of Pierre Monteux) to Amsterdam (Mélisande) and San Francisco. In Buenos Aires Erich Kleiber conducted her in Sophie in Der Rosenkavalier.

She created the role of Creuse in Darius Milhaud's Médée, for her debut at the Paris Opéra in 1940, where she also sang Gilda in Rigoletto, Violetta in La traviata and Sophie in Der Rosenkavalier, among other roles.

Once the war was over, her career became more international than it had been; she performed at La Scala in Milan, La Monnaie in Brussels, and the Royal Opera House in London. At these venues she sang nearly all the great French soprano roles: including Marguerite, Juliette in the Gounod opera, Massenet's Manon, and Mélisande in Pelléas. For French Radio she sang in Isoline (1947) and Madame Chrysanthème (1956), by André Messager.

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More Arias, Duets and Ensembles performed by Janine Micheau

113 Results
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Nr.Title scenePopularityOperaComposerActTypeVoicesLang.Roles
1Tanto amore segreto Popularity:

Opera: TurandotComposer: PucciniAct: 3.06-3

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

Roles: Liù
2E grave il sacrifizio Popularity:

Opera: Traviata, LaComposer: VerdiAct: 2.05-2

Type: duetVoice: Br SLanguage: Italian

Roles: Giorgio/Violetta
3Teneste la promessa Popularity:

Opera: Traviata, LaComposer: VerdiAct: 3.03

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

Roles: Violetta
4Non sapete quale affetto Popularity:

Opera: Traviata, LaComposer: VerdiAct: 2.05-1

Type: duetVoice: S BrLanguage: Italian

Roles: Violetta/Giorgio
5Dis moi que je suis belle Popularity:

Opera: ThaisComposer: MassenetAct: 2

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: French

Roles: Thaïs
6Console toi pauvre ame Popularity:

Opera: Romeo et JulietteComposer: GounodAct: 5.04-4

Type: duetVoice: T SLanguage: French

Roles: Roméo/Juliette
7L'amour l'amour son ardeur Popularity:

Opera: Romeo et JulietteComposer: GounodAct: 2.02-1

Type: ariaVoice: tenorLanguage: French

Roles: Roméo
8O nuit sous tes ailes Popularity:

Opera: Romeo et JulietteComposer: GounodAct: 2.01

Type: recitative,choirVoice: T SLanguage: French

Roles: Roméo/Juliette
9Sommeil de Juliette Popularity:

Opera: Romeo et JulietteComposer: GounodAct: 5.03

Type: recitativeVoice: sopranoLanguage: French

Roles: Juliette
10Ah! voici nos gens Popularity:

Opera: Romeo et JulietteComposer: GounodAct: 3.05

Type: recitative,choirVoice: S BrLanguage: French

Roles: Stéphano/Grégorio
11Nuit d'hyménée Popularity:

Opera: Romeo et JulietteComposer: GounodAct: 4.01-2

Type: duetVoice: T SLanguage: French

Roles: Roméo/Juliette
12Eh! bien? cher Pâris! Popularity:

Opera: Romeo et JulietteComposer: GounodAct: 1.02-2

Type: recitativeVoice: Language: French

13Je veux vivre (Juliet's Waltz) Popularity:

Opera: Romeo et JulietteComposer: GounodAct: 1.07

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: French

Roles: Juliette
14Ma fille cède aux voeux Popularity:

Opera: Romeo et JulietteComposer: GounodAct: 4.07

Type: recitativeVoice: B SLanguage: French

Roles: Count/Juliette
15Quelqu'un c'est mon cousin Popularity:

Opera: Romeo et JulietteComposer: GounodAct: 1.10

Type: recitative,finaleVoice: T S T Br Br BLanguage: French

Roles: Roméo/Juliette/Tybalt/Paris/Mercutio/Count
16Va je t'ai pardonn? Popularity:

Opera: Romeo et JulietteComposer: GounodAct: 4.01-1

Type: duetVoice: T SLanguage: French

Roles: Roméo/Juliette
17Hélas moi le hair Popularity:

Opera: Romeo et JulietteComposer: GounodAct: 2.03

Type: recitativeVoice: T SLanguage: French

Roles: Roméo/Juliette
18Mon père Dieu vous garde Popularity:

Opera: Romeo et JulietteComposer: GounodAct: 3.01

Type: recitativeVoice: T B SLanguage: French

Roles: Roméo/Frère Laurent/Juliette
19Eh bien que l'avertissement Popularity:

Opera: Romeo et JulietteComposer: GounodAct: 1.06

Type: recitativeVoice: T Br MzLanguage: French

Roles: Roméo/Mercutio/Gertrude
20Salut tombeau sombre et silencieux Popularity:

Opera: Romeo et JulietteComposer: GounodAct: 5.04-1

Type: duetVoice: T SLanguage: French

Roles: Roméo/Juliette
21Ange adorable Popularity:

Opera: Romeo et JulietteComposer: GounodAct: 1.09

Type: duetVoice: S TLanguage: French

Roles: Juliette/Roméo
22Ah! leve toi soleil Popularity:

Opera: Romeo et JulietteComposer: GounodAct: 2.02-2

Type: ariaVoice: tenorLanguage: French

Roles: Roméo
23Le nom de cette belle enfant Popularity:

Opera: Romeo et JulietteComposer: GounodAct: 1.08

Type: recitativeVoice: Mz Br TLanguage: French

Roles: Gertrude/Grégorio/Roméo
24Mon père tout m'accable Popularity:

Opera: Romeo et JulietteComposer: GounodAct: 4.03

Type: recitativeVoice: S BLanguage: French

Roles: Juliette/Frère Laurent
25O nuit divine je t'implore Popularity:

Opera: Romeo et JulietteComposer: GounodAct: 2.05-1

Type: duetVoice: T SLanguage: French

Roles: Roméo/Juliette
26Dieu qui fis l'homme a ton image Popularity:

Opera: Romeo et JulietteComposer: GounodAct: 3.02

Type: trioVoice: B T SLanguage: French

Roles: Frère Laurent/Roméo/Juliette
27Pourquoi lutter de la sorte Popularity:

Opera: Roi d'Ys, LeComposer: LaloAct: 3.01-4

Type: sceneVoice: S Br MzLanguage: French

Roles: Rozenn/Prince Karnac/Margared
28Quand chacun pour lui Popularity:

Opera: Roi d'Ys, LeComposer: LaloAct: 2.02-4

Type: sceneVoice: Mz SLanguage: French

Roles: Margared/Rozenn
29Margared, ô ma soeur Popularity:

Opera: Roi d'Ys, LeComposer: LaloAct: 1.02-1

Type: scene/ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: French

Roles: Rozenn/Margared
30Ces rumeurs, ces cris d'alarme Popularity:

Opera: Roi d'Ys, LeComposer: LaloAct: 3.07

Type: sceneVoice: S B-Br Mz TLanguage: French

Roles: Rozenn/The King of Ys/Margared/Mylio
113 Results
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