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Marilyn Zschau

Singer details:

Voice: Mezzo-soprano
Nationality: American
Year of Birth:
Year of Death:

About Marilyn Zschau:

Marilyn Zschau (born Feb. 9, 1944 in Chicago) is an American operatic soprano. She attended Juilliard School of Music in New York from 1961 to 1965.She first appeared in the role of Marietta in Die Tote Stadt at the Vienna Volksoper in 1967. In 1971 she appeared in the role of the Composer in Ariadne auf Naxos at the Vienna State Opera. She debuted in the role of Minnie at the New York City Opera in La Fanciulla del West in 1978. At the same venue she later appeared as Odabella in Attila, and as Maddalena in Andrea Chenier. She made her Metropolitan Opera debut as Musetta on February 4, 1985. At La Scala in Milan she appeared as the Dyer's Wife in Die Frau ohne Schatten in 1986. After that she appeared in many major opera houses worldwide. In 1993 she performed Richard Strauss's Elektra at the London Promenade Concerts with the BBC Symphony Orchestra conducted by Andrew Davis. In 1995 she appeared at the Seattle Opera as Brünnhilde in Richard Wagner's Ring cycle. In 1996 she again performed as Elektra in Buenos Aires. Throughout her career she performed many prominent roles such as Aida, Tosca, Desdemona, Salome, die Marschallin.

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More Arias, Duets and Ensembles performed by Marilyn Zschau

7 Results
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Nr.Title scenePopularityOperaComposerActTypeVoicesLang.Roles
1Quando m'en vo (Musetta's Waltz) Popularity:

Opera: Bohème, LaComposer: PucciniAct: 2.08

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

Roles: Musetta/Alcindoro/Mimì/Rodolfo/Colline/Marcello/Schaunard
2In quelle trine morbide Popularity:

Opera: Manon LescautComposer: PucciniAct: 2.03

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

Roles: Manon
3Hm! hm! hm! hm! Popularity:

Opera: Zauberflöte, DieComposer: MozartAct: 1.11

Type: quintetVoice: Br T S S MzLanguage: German

Roles: Papageno/Tamino/Three ladies
4Allein weh ganz allein Popularity:

Opera: ElektraComposer: StraussAct: 1

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: German

Roles: Elektra
5Un di all'azzuro spazio Popularity:

Opera: Andrea ChenierComposer: GiordanoAct: 1.05-2

Type: ariaVoice: tenorLanguage: Italian

Roles: Andrea
6E ben altro il mio sogno Popularity:

Opera: Tabarro, IlComposer: PucciniAct: 1

Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

Roles: Giorgetta
7Allor che i forti corrono Popularity:

Opera: AttilaComposer: VerdiAct: 0.04

Type: aria,recitativeVoice: sopranoLanguage: Italian

Roles: Odabella/Attila
7 Results
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