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Peter Hofmann

Singer details:

Voice: Tenor
Nationality: German
Year of Birth: 1944
Year of Death: 2010

About Peter Hofmann:

Peter Hofmann (22 August 1944 – 30 November 2010) was a German tenor who had a successful performance career within the fields of opera, rock, pop, and musical theatre. He first rose to prominence in 1976 as a heldentenor at the Bayreuth festival's Jahrhundertring (Centenary Ring) in 1976, where he drew critical acclaim for his performance of Siegmund in Richard Wagner's Die Walküre. He was active as one of the world's leading Wagnerian tenors over the next decade, performing roles like Lohengrin, Parsifal, Siegfried, and Tristan at major opera houses and festivals internationally.

Hofmann's busy and demanding schedule in combination with an "imperfect vocal technique", led to intermittent vocal problems which became more prominent in the singer's opera performances in the late 1980s. These difficulties led him to completely abandon his opera career in 1989 in favor of pursuing a full-time career in popular music. Hofmann had already spent portions of his opera career performing and recording popular music, and he had already achieved success with tours and recordings of classic rock during the mid to late 1980s. He continued to perform pop and rock songs until his retirement from performance due to health reasons in 1999. He had been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 1994.

Hofmann was born in Marienbad, German Sudetenland (now modern Mariánské Lázně, Czech Republic), and grew up in Darmstadt. In his youth, before receiving any training in classical music, he was a singer in a rock band. He served seven years in the West German Armed Forces, during which time he began studying singing privately. After being honorably discharged with a financial bonus, he entered the Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe where he was trained as an opera singer.

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More Arias, Duets and Ensembles performed by Peter Hofmann

29 Results
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Nr.Title scenePopularityOperaComposerActTypeVoicesLang.Roles
1E lucevan le stelle Popularity:

Opera: ToscaComposer: PucciniAct: 3.03

Type: ariaVoice: tenorLanguage: Italian

Roles: Cavaradossi
2Winterstürme wichen dem Wonnemond Popularity:

Opera: Walküre, DieComposer: WagnerAct: 1.08

Type: ariaVoice: tenorLanguage: German

Roles: Siegmund
3Amfortas die Wunde Popularity:

Opera: ParsifalComposer: WagnerAct: 2.02

Type: ariaVoice: tenorLanguage: German

Roles: Parsifal
4Hm! hm! hm! hm! Popularity:

Opera: Zauberflöte, DieComposer: MozartAct: 1.11

Type: quintetVoice: Br T S S MzLanguage: German

Roles: Papageno/Tamino/Three ladies
5Wie stark ist nicht dein Zauberton Popularity:

Opera: Zauberflöte, DieComposer: MozartAct: 1.18

Type: ariaVoice: tenorLanguage: German

Roles: Tamino
6In fernem Land unnahbar Euren Schritten Popularity:

Opera: LohengrinComposer: WagnerAct: 3

Type: ariaVoice: tenorLanguage: German

Roles: Lohengrin
7Zu hilfe zu hilfe! Popularity:

Opera: Zauberflöte, DieComposer: MozartAct: 1.02

Type: quartetVoice: T S S MzLanguage: German

Roles: Tamino/Three ladies
8Wie wie wie? Popularity:

Opera: Zauberflöte, DieComposer: MozartAct: 2.07

Type: quintetVoice: Br T S S MzLanguage: German

Roles: Papageno/Tamino/Three ladies
9Das susse Lied verhallt Popularity:

Opera: LohengrinComposer: WagnerAct: 3

Type: duetVoice: S TLanguage: German

Roles: Elsa/Lohengrin
10Siegmund sieh auf mich Popularity:

Opera: Walküre, DieComposer: WagnerAct: 2.12

Type: recitativeVoice: S TLanguage: German

Roles: Brünnhilde/Siegmund
11Tamino mein! Popularity:

Opera: Zauberflöte, DieComposer: MozartAct: 2.28

Type: quartetVoice: S T T BLanguage: German

Roles: Pamina/Tamino/Two armoured men
12Nun sei bedankt mein lieber Schwan Popularity:

Opera: LohengrinComposer: WagnerAct: 1

Type: ariaVoice: tenorLanguage: German

Roles: Lohengrin
13Nothung nothung neidliches Schwert Popularity:

Opera: SiegfriedComposer: WagnerAct: 1

Type: ariaVoice: tenorLanguage: German

Roles: Siegfried
14Wer ein holdes Weib errungen Popularity:

Opera: FidelioComposer: BeethovenAct: 2.13

Type: duet,choir,finaleVoice: T SLanguage: German

Roles: Florestan/Leonore
15Atmest du nicht mit mir die sussen Dufte Popularity:

Opera: LohengrinComposer: WagnerAct: 3

Type: ariaVoice: tenorLanguage: German

Roles: Lohengrin
16In des Lebens Fruhlingstagen Popularity:

Opera: FidelioComposer: BeethovenAct: 2.01-2

Type: ariaVoice: tenorLanguage: German

Roles: Florestan
17Soll ich dich Teurer nicht mehr sehn? Popularity:

Opera: Zauberflöte, DieComposer: MozartAct: 2.21

Type: trioVoice: B T SLanguage: German

Roles: Sarastro/Tamino/Pamina
18Raste nun hier Popularity:

Opera: Walküre, DieComposer: WagnerAct: 2.11

Type: recitative,duetVoice: T SLanguage: German

Roles: Siegmund/Sieglinde
19Isolde! Tristan! Popularity:

Opera: Tristan und IsoldeComposer: WagnerAct: 2.03

Type: Voice: Language: German

20O diese Sonne Popularity:

Opera: Tristan und IsoldeComposer: WagnerAct: 3.12

Type: ariaVoice: tenorLanguage: German

Roles: Tristan
21Lausch Geliebter Popularity:

Opera: Tristan und IsoldeComposer: WagnerAct: 2.07

Type: recitativeVoice: T SLanguage: German

Roles: Tristan/Isolde
22Eine schreckliche Nacht Popularity:

Opera: Zauberflöte, DieComposer: MozartAct: 2.04

Type: spokenVoice: T BrLanguage: German

Roles: Tamino/Papageno
23Er sterbe doch er soll erst wissen Popularity:

Opera: FidelioComposer: BeethovenAct: 2.06

Type: recitative,quartetVoice: B-Br T S BLanguage: German

Roles: Pizarro/Florestan/Leonore/Rocco
24Euch werde Lohn in bessern Welten Popularity:

Opera: FidelioComposer: BeethovenAct: 2.05

Type: trioVoice: B T SLanguage: German

Roles: Rocco/Florestan/Leonore
25He da! Was da! Popularity:

Opera: Zauberflöte, DieComposer: MozartAct: 1.05

Type: recitativeVoice: T BrLanguage: German

Roles: Tamino/Papageno
26Tristan Isolde treuloser Holder Popularity:

Opera: Tristan und IsoldeComposer: WagnerAct: 1.21

Type: recitativeVoice: T S SLanguage: German

Roles: Tristan/Isolde/Brangäne
27Tristan Geliebter! Popularity:

Opera: Tristan und IsoldeComposer: WagnerAct: 3.14

Type: recitativeVoice: T SLanguage: German

Roles: Tristan/Isolde
28Hochstes Vertrau'n hast du mir zu danken Popularity:

Opera: LohengrinComposer: WagnerAct: 3

Type: ariaVoice: tenorLanguage: German

Roles: Lohengrin
29Ist es denn auch Wirklichkeit Popularity:

Opera: Zauberflöte, DieComposer: MozartAct: 1.10

Type: recitativeVoice: tenorLanguage: German

Roles: Tamino
29 Results
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