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Ko-Ko from The Mikado

Role details:


Arthur Sullivan


The Mikado

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The Lord High Executioner of Titipu




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Scenes with Ko-Ko in The Mikado

1As some day it may happen Popularity:

Opera: Mikado, TheComposer: SullivanAct: 1

Type: ariaVoice: baritoneLanguage: English

Roles: Ko-Ko
2Behold the Lord High Executioner Popularity:

Opera: Mikado, TheComposer: SullivanAct: 1.05-1

Type: chorusVoice: baritoneLanguage: English

Roles: Ko-Ko
3I am so proud Popularity:

Opera: Mikado, TheComposer: SullivanAct: 1.10

Type: trioVoice: Br Br BrLanguage: English

Roles: Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko/Pish-Tush
4With aspect stern and gloomy stride Popularity:

Opera: Mikado, TheComposer: SullivanAct: 1.11-1

Type: ensembleVoice: Br BrLanguage: English

Roles: Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko
5Oh fool that fleest Popularity:

Opera: Mikado, TheComposer: SullivanAct: 1.11-4

Type: ariaVoice: contraltoLanguage: English

Roles: Katisha/Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko/Nanki-Poo/Yum-Yum/Peep-Bo/Pitti-Sing
6Ye torrents roar! Popularity:

Opera: Mikado, TheComposer: SullivanAct: 1.11g

Type: ensemble,finaleVoice: cA Br Br T S S/Mz MzLanguage: English

Roles: Katisha/Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko/Nanki-Poo/Yum-Yum/Peep-Bo/Pitti-Sing
7Here's a how-de-do! Popularity:

Opera: Mikado, TheComposer: SullivanAct: 2.04

Type: trioVoice: S T BrLanguage: English

Roles: Yum-Yum/Nanki-Poo/Ko-Ko
8The criminal cried Popularity:

Opera: Mikado, TheComposer: SullivanAct: 2.07

Type: trioVoice: Mz Br BrLanguage: English

Roles: Pitti-Sing/Ko-Ko/Pooh-Bah
9See how the fates their gifts allot Popularity:

Opera: Mikado, TheComposer: SullivanAct: 2.08

Type: quintetVoice: B/B-Br cA Br Br MzLanguage: English

Roles: The Mikado/Katisha/Ko-Ko/Pooh-Bah/Pitti-Sing
10The flower that bloom in the spring Popularity:

Opera: Mikado, TheComposer: SullivanAct: 2.09

Type: duetVoice: T BrLanguage: English

Roles: Nanki-Poo/Ko-Ko/Yum-Yum/Pitti-Sing/Pooh-Bah
11There is beauty in the bellow of the blast Popularity:

Opera: Mikado, TheComposer: SullivanAct: 2.12

Type: duetVoice: Br cALanguage: English

Roles: Ko-Ko/Katisha
12For he's gone and married Yum-Yum Popularity:

Opera: Mikado, TheComposer: SullivanAct: 2.13

Type: finale,ensembleVoice: Mz Br S T S/Mz BrLanguage: English

Roles: Pitti-Sing/Ko-Ko/Yum-Yum/Nanki-Poo/Peep-Bo/Pooh-Bah