"Stay, Frederic, stay!" from the 1968 Cologne Radio Cast of "Die Piraten" (Gilbert & Sullivan's "The Pirates of Penzance" in German). Conductor Franz Marszalek, Cologne Radio Orchestra, Members of the Bonn Philharmonic Chorus. Principal singers: Gerd Nienstedt (Pirate King), Arleen Auger (Mabel), Peter Bahrig (Frederic), Martha Mödl (Ruth) and Arwed Sandner (Major-General Stanley). #piratesofpenzance #thepiratesofpenzance #gilbertandsullivan #williamschwenkgilbert #arthursullivan #franzmarszalek #kölnrundfunkorchester #cologneradioorchestra
NOTE: This adaptation takes several substantial liberties with the standard plot of "The Pirates of Penzance" in its original English. Some English titles of movements are in place only to correspond with their original musical ideas and may have no relevance to the German titles.
Watch videos with other singers performing Stay, Fred'ric, stay!: