Opera title: | The Sorcerer |
Composer: | Arthur Sullivan |
Language: | English |
Synopsis: | The Sorcerer Synopsis |
Libretto: | The Sorcerer Libretto |
Translation(s): | Not entered yet. |
Type: | aria |
Role(s): | Lady Sangazure |
Voice(s): | Contralto |
Act: | 1.07 |
Previous scene: | Happy young heart |
Next scene: | With heart and with voice |
My child, I join in these congratulations:
Heed not the tear that dims this aged eye!
Old memories crowd upon me. Though I sorrow,
'Tis for myself, Aline, and not for thee!
Sheetmusic for aria | Sheetmusicplus.com |
Sheetmusic for opera | Sheetmusicplus.com |
MP3's for this aria | on Amazon.com |
DVD/CD's for this opera | on Amazon.com |