ELETSKY Postoite na odno mgnovenye! Ya dolzhen, dolzhen vam skazat! Ya vas lyublyu, lyublyu bezmerno, Bez vas ne myslyu dnya prozhit, Ya podvig sily bezprimernoi Gotov seichas dlya vas svershit, No, znaite: serdtsa vashevo svododu Nichem ya ne khochu stesnyat, Gotov skryvatsya vam v ugodu I pyl revnivykh chuvstv unyat, Na vsyo dlya vas gotov ya! Ne tolko lyubyashchim suprugom, Slugoi poleznym inogda, Zhelal by ya byt vashim drugom I uteshitelem vsegda. No yasno vizhu, chuvstvuyu teper ya, Kuda sebya v mechtakh zavlyok, Kak malo v vas ko mne doverya, Kak chuzhd ya vam i kak dalyok, Akh! Ya terzayus etoi dalyu, Sostrazhdu vam ya vsei dushoi, Pechalyus vashei ya pechalyu I plachu vasheyu slezoi! Akh! Ya terzayus etoi dalyu, Sostrazhdy vam ya vsei dushoi! Ya vas lyublyu, lyublyu bezmerno... O, milaya, dovertes mne!
English Libretto or Translation:
Wait one moment! I simply must speak to you!
I love you, love ou beyond all measure,
I cannot conceive a day without you,
I am ready to accomplish for our sake
A heroic task requiring matchless strength.
But he assured I do not wish in any way
To restrict the liberty of your heart,
I am rad to hide my feelings in order to please you
And master the heat ot jealousy,
I am ready to do an thing, anything for you!
I should like to be not simply a loving husband
Or sometimes a useful servant,
But your friend and always sour consoler.
Yet I see clearly and feel it now
How I allowed myself to be misled by my dreams,
How little trust you have in me, how alien and
How remote I seem to you.
Oh! I am tormented by this remoteness,
All my soul shares in your suffering,
Your sadness is mine. Your tears, I weep them too!
Oh! I am tormented by this remoteness.
All my soul shares in your suffering!