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Baritone Opera Arias by Thomas

Search through Baritone Opera Arias by Thomas

5 Results
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Nr.Title scenePopularityOperaComposerActTypeVoicesLang.Roles
1O vin dissipe la tristesse Popularity:

Opera: HamletComposer: ThomasAct:

Type: ariaVoice: baritoneLanguage: French

Roles: Hamlet
2J'ai pu frapper le miserable Popularity:

Opera: HamletComposer: ThomasAct:

Type: ariaVoice: baritoneLanguage: French

3Spectre infernal Popularity:

Opera: HamletComposer: ThomasAct:

Type: ariaVoice: baritoneLanguage: French

4Comme une pâle fleur Popularity:

Opera: HamletComposer: ThomasAct: 5.02-2

Type: ariaVoice: baritoneLanguage: French

Roles: Hamlet
5Comme un pale fleur Popularity:

Opera: HamletComposer: ThomasAct:

Type: ariaVoice: baritoneLanguage: French

5 Results
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