Condotta ell' era in ceppi al suo destin tremendo!
Col figlio sulle braccia, io la seguía piangendo.
Infino ad essa un varco tentai, ma invano, aprirmi...
Inven tentò la misera fremarsi e benedirmi!
Chè, fra bestemmie oscene, pungendola coi ferri,
al rogo la cacciavano gli scellerati sgherri!
Allor, con tronco accento: Mi vendica! esclamò.
Quel detto un' eco eterna in questo cor lasciò.
Il figlio giunsi a rapir del Conte:
lo trascinai qui meco...
Le fiamme ardea già pronte.
Ei distruggeasi in pianto...
Io mi sentiva il core dilaniato, infranto!...
Quand' ecco agli egri spiriti, come in sogno, apparve
la vision ferale di spaventose larve!
Gli sgerri ed il supplizio!...La madre smorta in volto...
Scalza, discinta! grido, il noto grido ascolto...
Mi vendica!...La mano convulsa tendo...stringo
la vittima...nel foco la traggo, la sospingo...
Cessa il fatal delirio... L' orrida scena fugge...
La fiamma sol divampa, e la sua preda strugge!
Pur volgo intorno il guardo e innanzi a me vegg' io
Dell' empio Conte il figlio...
Il figlio mio,
mio figlio avea bruciato!
Sul capo mio le chiome
sento rizzarsi ancor!
English Libretto or Translation:
She was led to her destiny in chains!
With the child in my arm, I followed her weeping.
I tried, in vain, to reach her...
In vain the wretched woman tried to stop and bless me!
For, among terrible curses, prodding her with their weapons
they chased her towards the stake, the cruel men!
Then, with broken accents she exclaimed: "Revenge me!"
That word eternally reverberates in this heart.
I managed to kidnap the Count's child:
I dragged him hither...
the flames were ready.
He was crying his heart out,
my heart was torn, in shreds!...
Then suddenly, to the sick soul, like in a dream,
a vision of frightening phantoms rose!
The guards and the torture!...My mother, deathly pale…
barefoot, in disarray!...the cry, the well-known cry echoes....
"Revenge me! "I stretch my trembling hand-I hold
the victim...I reach for it, push it into the fire...
the delirium is over...the dreadful scene vanishes…
only the flame burning, and its victim is no more!
I then turn my eyes and I see just in front of me
the son of the wicked Count...
My son,
my own son I had killed!
I still feel my hair
raising at the thought of it!
Translation by: Marc Verzatt
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