ALTRI In corvo tal'altra; più spesso in civetta! Sull'alba fuggente al par di saetta.
FERRANDO Morì di paura un servo del conte, Che avea della zingara percossa la fronte! Tutti si pingono di superstizioso terrore Apparve a costui d'un gufo in sembianza Nell'alta quiete di tacita stanza!... Con l'occhio lucente guardava... guardava, Il cielo attristando d'un urlo feral! Allor mezzanotte appunto suonava...
Una campana suona improvvisamente a distesa mezzanotte
TUTTI Ah! sia maledetta la strega infernal!
Gli uomini d'arme accorrono in fondo; i Familiari corrono verso la porta
English Libretto or Translation:
ALL It's true! It's true! On the edge of the rooftops some people have seen her! Sometimes she changes into a hoopoe or an owl! Other times, a raven; more often, a civet-owl, flying through the dawn like an arrow!
FERRANDO One of the Count's men died of fear because he had struck the gypsy's forehead! He died, died of fear! He died, died of fear!
MEN Ah! Ah! He died! Ah! Ah! He died!
FERRANDO She appeared to him in the form of an owl, in the deep calm of a silent room!
MEN Of an owl!
FERRANDO She looked with gleaming eye, looked at the sky, sorrowing, with a bestial cry!
MEN She looked! She looked!
FERRANDO Midnight was just striking! Ah!
Midnight strikes.
ALL Ah! A curse on her, the infernal witch! Ah!
A drum is heard. The soldiers run to the back. The servants gather at the door.