VIOLETTA Alfredo! Ah, tu il vedesti? ei vien! l'affretta .
Annina afferma col capo, e va ad aprire la porta
VIOLETTA Andando verso l'uscio Alfredo!
Alfredo comparisce pallido per la commozione, ed ambedue, gettandosi le braccia al collo, esclamano:
VIOLETTA Amato Alfredo!
ALFREDO Mia Violetta! Colpevol sono... so tutto, o cara.
VIOLETTA Io so che alfine reso mi sei!
ALFREDO Da questo palpito s'io t'ami impara, Senza te esistere più non potrei.
VIOLETTA Ah, s'anco in vita m'hai ritrovata, Credi che uccidere non può il dolor.
ALFREDO Scorda l'affanno, donna adorata, A me perdona e al genitor.
VIOLETTA Ch'io ti perdoni? la rea son io: Ma solo amore tal mi rendé.
English Libretto or Translation:
ANNINA hesitating Madame ...
VIOLETTA What's happened?
ANNINA You do feel better today, Don't you?
VIOLETTA Yes, but why?
ANNINA Will you promise to keep calm?
VIOLETTA What are you trying to tell me?
ANNINA I must warn you of a joy you don't expect.
VIOLETTA Did you say joy?
ANNINA nodding her head Yes, Madame.
VIOLETTA Alfredo! You've seen him! He's coming! Oh, hurry! Annina nodds in confirmation, goes to open the door. Violetta goes to the door. Alfredo! Alfredo appears, pale with emotion, and they fall into each other's arms. Alfredo, beloved! Oh, what joy!
ALFREDO Oh, my Violetta! Oh, what joy! How much to blame I am, But now, dearest, I know everything!
VIOLETTA I only know I have you back!
ALFREDO Judge how much I love you From the beating of my heart! I can live no longer without you!
VIOLETTA That you find me still alive Means that sorrow cannot kill.
ALFREDO Forget the pain, beloved, Forgive me and my father.
VIOLETTA That I should pardon you When I'm the one to blame? But it was love that made me so.