La luce langue, il faro spegnesi
Ch’eterno corre per gli ampi cieli !
Notte desiata, provvida veli
La man colpevole che ferirà.
Nuovo delitto!!... E necessario !!
Compiersi debbe l’opra fatale.
Ai trapassati regnar non cale ;
A loro un requiem, l’eternità !..
O voluttà del soglio !
O scettro, alfin sei mio !
Ogni mortal desio
Tace e s’acqueta in te.
Cadrà fra poco esanime
Chi fu predetto re.
English Libretto or Translation:
Light diminishes, the beacon dies away
Moves in the vast heavens eternally !
Desired night, providentially veil
The guilty hand which is going to strike the blow.
New crime!!... Its necessary !!
The fatal deed must be done.
The dead do not care to reign ;
For them, a requiem, eternity!
Oh voluptuousness of the throne !
Oh sceptre, finally you are mine !
Every mortal desire
Is silenced and and stilled by you.
He who was predicted king
Will soon fall lifeless.
Translation by: Marc Verzatt
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