(Ciel! dammi coraggio!)
Tutte le feste al tempio
Mentre pregava Iddio,
Bello e fatale un giovine
Offriasi al guardo mio...
Se i labbri nostri tacquero,
Dagli occhi il cor parlò.
Furtivo fra le tenebre
Sol ieri a me giungeva...
Sono studente e povero,
Commosso mi diceva,
E con ardente palpito
Amor mi protestò.
Partì… il mio core aprivasi
A speme più gradita,
Quando improvvisi apparvero
Color che m'han rapita,
E a forza qui m'addussero
Nell'ansia più crudel.
English Libretto or Translation:
(O Heaven, give me courage!)
Each holy day, in church,
as I prayed to God,
a fatally handsome young man
stood where I could see him...
Though our lips were silent,
our hearts spoke through our eyes.
Furtively, only last night he came
to meet me for the first time.
I am a student and poor,”
he said so tenderly,
and with passionate fervour
told me of his love.
He went... my heart was rapt
in the sweetest dreams,
when suddenly the men broke in
who carried me away;
they brought me here by force,
cruelly afraid.
External links for Tutte le feste al tempio
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